
POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Thu 2009/10/22 17:00 JST in Japan
Twitter Japan recently held a Tweetup to coincide with the launch of the Japanese mobile version of Twitter together with the visit of Twitter co-founder Biz Stone.
Here is Biz with a member of the Empire flogging their new mobile service ^^;
This Trooper has broken the imperial code 35562a by revealing a bit of clone skin just behind the glove and will be sent to detention block 1553a.
The Tweetup was held at the Garden Hall at Ebisu. Quite a few tech related events are held here.
A "Tweetup" is a gathering of Twitter users and is held worldwide. They can be organized by anyone.
This tweetup was organized by Twitter Japan and was attended by about 200-ish twitter users from many different fields. AmiAmi came along too.
With Andrew Shuttleworth who I work with on CGM Night. Our next CGM Night will most probably be in collaboration with Cospa Japan.
With tangerinejp and Mika who worked on organizing the Tweetup.
Steve Nagata and his new toy which he used to film the Mint Royale practice vid.
When I first came across the Twitter service, I didn't really get it. All I saw was a bunch of registered users talking about where they are going, what they are doing, what they are eating etc.
When I was bothered to actually take a closer look, I saw much much more and below are some of the reasons why I use Twitter.
  • I use Twitter to keep myself in the loop with what friends are up to. They tweet and it appears on my Twitter home page. Short simple text which I can absorb at a glace without reading rows and rows of text for each update.
  • The people I follow are usually like minded and share the same interests. I follow folks from the tech, figure, anime, doll industry and keep up to date with the latest trends. They usually post links to useful info too.
  • I've met a ton of people through Twitter alone - creating new friendships and business opportunities.
When somebody tweets with an @dannychoo, I can see all tweets addressed to me.
My twitter followers have backgrounds from varying industries and always help me out when I have a question.
Instead of hunting around Google, I can get instant answers (within seconds) from my Twitter followers. My followers have saved my bacon for things like technical JQuery questions to Japanese grammar.
  • Everybody is busy and not everybody has got time to keep up with what I write on I tweet some (not all) of my updates so that my followers can keep in the loop with what I'm writing.
  • Sometimes when I tweet a particularly interesting topic or link, it will get Retweeted meaning that a follower will basically copy n paste what I just tweeted and Retweet it to their followers. Some of my Retweeted links get thousands (and thousands) of clicks.
  • I use Twitter as a form of communications to instantly let thousands of people know about an event or what have you. Many friends in Tokyo are following me on Twitter and is particularly useful when I want to let everybody know about a meetup for example.
  • My Twitter updates are automatically fed into my FaceBook meaning that I can reach out to and keep more people in the loop with what I'm doing.
The Internet is about sharing and Twitter is no exception. Constantly tweeting your own blog posts alone will bore people and some will start to unfollow you. By sharing interesting resources that you come across during your rounds of the Internets, your followers will appreciate the quality of your tweets and start to recommend you on #followfridays.
Every Friday, Twitter users will start to tag their tweets with "#followfriday" followed by twitter usernames. This means that they are recommending Twitter accounts to other users.
Tip: If you are following me for example and send me a note that begins with a @dannychoo, only people who are following you and me will see the message. If you want everybody to see the message then start your tweet with a "."
I update my Twitter account a few times a day and you can follow me @dannychoo.
You can now update your account with your Twitter username and we will soon be displaying your tweets on the site.
Folks including Goodsmile, Cospa and many of the top Japanese figure bloggers have started to use Twitter too.
Twitter should help enrich your career and life in many ways like it has done for me. But Twitter is only a means - its up to you how you want to use it.
Images from Digital Bear (Minami-san), Zuco and Steve Nagata.
Update - your tweets will soon show up in Google search results - Google Blog.