The top 10 selling games of 2008 as follows...
1. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (Capcom/PSP)
2. Pokemon Platinum (Nintendo/DS)
3. Wii Fit (Nintendo/Wii)
4. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo/Wii)
5. Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Nintendo/Wii)
6. Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo/DS)
7. Dragon Quest 5 (DS/Square Enix)
8. Hoshi no Kirby: Ultra Super Deluxe (Nintendo/DS)
9. Doubutsu no Mori (Animal Crossing: City Folk) (Nintendo/Wii)
10. Wii Sports (Nintendo/DS)
While Capcom nabbed the number 1 spot with Monster Hunter, Nintendo dominates the top 10.