Tokyo MX TV

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Thu 2007/02/01 16:28 JST in Japan
Folks living in Japan who like staying at home on a Friday night might be interested in having a peek on Tokyo MX TV (channel2) this Friday (Feb 2nd 10PM) to watch my Akihabara report on Blog TV. To make it just slightly more interesting, I decided to do it in armor ^^;
I agreed to do the shoot only a few days before so we didn’t really prepare or rehearse anything.
This is me trying to remember a few of my intro lines. I have a terrible short term memory ^^;
Outside the newly opened Kotobukiya shop – loads of figures inside.
We didn’t have an appointment so had to go though their central office on the 8th floor. Actually, we didn’t have appointments with any of the shops that I wanted to cover and it was interesting to see that we had to negotiate to promote their shops! I’m sure it should be the other way round where they pay us to feature them…
Inside Kotobukiya. This is me talking about the Mikuru figure I got the other day.
Talking about Mirei and Konomi – cant wait for them to arrive.
Doing the “stormtroooper-casually-walks-though-Akihabara” thing.
Outside Lammtarra – the shop that’s disguised as an Anime/film DVD shop on the outside but had tons of idol and ero DVDs on the inside ^^; Their strategy is to make it easy for buyers to walk in without feeling embarrassed as opposed to walking into a shop where the front is plastered with boobies ^^;
Bumped into two girls in Asobit who were on their way to a maid café – we insisted that we join them ^^;
Miyako from the game “ef”. Kawaii!
At the end of a tough days shooting, its time to get some grub at the nearest cafe.
Had a great day with the guys n gals from Tokyo MX TV but had a few hiccups. The sponge from inside the helmet fell out when I left the house without me knowing and ended up as neckless-trooper. I look like a right twat in some of the shots. I also wore the wrong glasses which we are a bit big for the helmet so the visibility was lousy…
Some places refused to be given free prime time TV coverage - I dont understand what is it with taking photos/video footage in Japan - urgh!
Will let you know when the show is uploaded to YouTube ^-^
Just wanted to say quickly that I'm glad I don't live in the UK anymore - because if I did and went out in armor, I would be either shot by the police or rushed and bounced by the locals ^^;
I do miss shopping at Tescos though (but thats another story...)