Tokyo Game Show 2006

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Fri 2006/09/22 19:30 JST in Figure and Doll events
TGS has been the biggest event that I've been to so far - much bigger than any of the previous Toy or Anime ones and Im absolutely knackered from walking around.
Got hold of the usual press pass but it was odd this time as Sony and Capcom required you to register for a pass just to take pictures of their stalls - what an odd bunch of people.
Before I start babbling, this TGS report will be broken down into four parts...
  • Tokyo Game Show (this part)
  • TGS Video (the video footage - tomorrow)
  • TGS Girls
  • TGS Toys
The video footage (due up tomorrow) will probably be more interesting as these photos only capture the general feeling of the show and not the actual games - the video footage contains load of Gundam games besides other stuff ^o^
And dont forget to head to Akihabara News who will be uploading their goodies on the TGS soon.
And heres some of the stash brought back - Capcom and Sony press packs and other booty. And unfortunately I dont have a PS3 in that huge bag in the background - they give you that so that you can become a walking advert.
My first TGS...
3 huge halls filled with games and companion girls...
For some reason, the organizers wanted to keep Japanese and overseas press apart...
Usually you dont have to wait (or pay) to get in with a press pass but TGS is the exception.
More press type bods waiting to get their grubby mits on the playable games that await inside.
Sony greeted us with a wall of women.
Went out of the hall at about 1PM to grab some grub and saw a ton (!) of people still lining up!
My most favorite sign in Japan. Sony had a ton of them.
Of all the events that I've attended, the TGS had the darkest lighting - me thinks its so that we cant get decent pictures.
Eragon stall. Nothing too exciting to see here.
Didnt pay too much attention to who these folks were but the lady on the left did have a nice bottom.
Was just thinking that rollerblades at an event like this would come in handy.
Softbanks maid corner. The maids would greet you as if you walked into a maid cafe.
Previously wanted a clear PC case but I hear that the static is a dog to deal with.
Have no idea what this is an apologize for the bad quality photo ToT.
Ladies on stage doing stage stuff.
More stage girls.
Even more stage girls.
They were dancing to something or other - I got bored and walked away.
Is Virtua Fighter that popular?
The girl in the poster is nice though.
BTW, Nintendo dont attend TGSs for some reason - they have their own show which was about two weeks ago.
The new Ridge Racer on the PS3 looks fantastic and will be in the batch of games that I get with my PS3 - more of this in the video clip.
Gundam Target in Sight graphics looked very nice indeed. Only seen a few levels though.
Half a hall was used for catering but more of the fast food variety.
Lots of Moe goods on sale.
Some Haruhi merchandise anyone?
Lots of DOA stuff available to buy.
If you are over in Tokyo for the TGS and are feeling lonely, take kasumi back to your hotel to keep you company.
My man Dante from the Devil May Cry series.
How I wanted to rip this poster down and take home with me!
Another DOA fave - Hitomi.
Was one of the first ones in - this is the PS3 playable corner which filled up very fast.
There were some areas like this which was very dark indeed.
Two people were dragged from the audience to play twister with two girls? Would you volunteer?
Wait inline for 90 mins just so that you can play an XBOX360 game for 3 minutes.
Cute Cute Cute! The Idol Master.
Was looking forward to see Xtreme but now that Ive seen it....
The graphics are amazing and if you like big bouncy anime eyes then you'll love this game but not too sure about gameplay/lastability.
Theres some Pachinko machines if you feel like playing...
Whats the name of this girl in the Tekken game?
Very popular game series in Japan where people in court shout slogans at each other.
Luckily I brought a spare change of underwear otherwise I would be left with rather skiddy pants after seeing Devil May Cry for the PS3 - OMG. I need this game yesterday.
Whats with the Spiderman font for the PS3?
Gran Turismo HD - another fine looking car game.
Genji for the PS3 had a nice looking girl character in it ^^;
PSPs in cases so that you cant play.
Nah - that had tons on display to play.
Pink sony goodies - hmmmm.
If you are going to the TGS - make sure you get yourself along to this stall - the 3D graphics are truly amazing.
OK - thats it for today - I still need to edit the video and leave it to render over night ^^.