Tokyo Freelance Jobs

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Mon 2009/05/04 06:03 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
Update: Thanks for the zillions of avatars you sent in! @.@ Dont need anymore - will go through the batch and pick out the best. Keep a look out for your name in the contributors page within the next week.
Thanks again!
Comrades! I need your help in making some default avatars for the member signup form.
New members get to choose a default avatar when they signup and customize after their account is activated.
You sent in some great avatars last time but we need some new ones:-
-Need some moe moe kyun K-ON!
-Need some Strike Witches, Macross, Geass, Manabi, Nodame and other popular series too!
-Sprinkle of Gundam, Mecha, Geass, Gunpla, Idols, Dollfie and Japan.
-You obviously don't have to draw them - just make some from your fave images or screencaps. Having said that, some original character illustrations would be great too.
-Have a look at the photo to get an idea of what was submitted last time.
-Must be 64x64px
-Has to be JPG only (sorry). File extensions should be ".jpg" and not ".JPG" or ".Jpeg"
-Should be less than 30k each and make sure that they don't look compressed ^^;
-Come up with some original ones rather than nabbing them from other sites.
-Some original pixel ones of Mirai/Haruka would be great.
-No limit of how many you send in.
I had a ton of avatars sent in last time and probably wont be able to use all of them but if I do then you go into the Contributors page.
Please send in your avatars to in a zipped file with a url to your DC profile page and the URL that you would like me to credit.
Ah, while I'm at it, I'm also looking for contributors who can make me a flash widget to be embedded in websites:-
-Take the current existing PSD files of Mirai-chan and give her a speech bubble which will display the title and a few sentences from any given RSS feed.
-You will make a jquery (or clean javascript) interface which will allow a user to paste in a URL for a feed and generate the embed HTML needed to display the flash widget - you would probably use "document.write" or something.
-The flash widget and all code should be scalable.
-The background of the widget can be customized easily and perhaps show a diff background depending on the day.
-The widget should also display the time of day and date.
Apart from having your details up on the contributors page, folks coming up with particularly impressive work (for either the widget or avatars) will be offered freelance work with Mirai.Inc. You need to have a paypal account. You also get free figures sent to you occasionally ^^
I can also offer folks (who I end up working with) references for getting jobs. A reference from former Website Manager at Amazon and Product Manager at Microsoft has helped quite a few folks get a foot through the door ^o^