Tokyo CGM Night 8 Invite

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sun 2010/06/13 22:30 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
Update! Good Smile Company will be bringing a load of Decoration Masters and showing some Black Rock Shooter video footage!
Thanks to all those who watched Culture:Japan last night and tweeted with the #tokyomx tag!
I tweeted last night that I would like to invite all those who watched the show to be on the mailing list for Tokyo CGM Night but thought that I would take the opportunity to invite everybody - but is limited to content creators and social media users.
This photo here was taken at a CGM Night (Tokyo Figure Show Version) last Summer where Good Smile Company brought Nendoroid Puchi for everybody ^o^
There is always goodies up for grabs brought directly to you by the manufacturers who attend Tokyo CGM Night like Good Smile Company, Cospa, Kotobukiya, AmiAmi and so on.
Just confirmed that GSC will be coming along to Tokyo CGM Night too and bringing with them some goodies ^o^
For the next Tokyo CGM Night, doll maker Obitsu will be attending and displaying some goodies!
This photo was taken last week with the CEO of Obitsu at their headquarters - will post photos of some of the molds and wot not used to make the bodies.
Update 2! Just like last time, BNN the publishers of 100 Masters of Bishojo Painting will be there giving away goodies too!
Next Friday, Amano Ai will also be performing a few tunes in her unit group called JulieHally.
Tokyo CGM Night Episode 8 will take place on the 18th of June 2010 which is next Friday. If you are interesting on being on the mailing list for Tokyo CGM Night and can attend next Friday then please sign up here. First come first serve so only folks who make the cut will be sent details of how to get in the venue.
Place : At one of the Digital Hollywood buildings in Chiyoda-ku. Registrants who make the cut will be sent details of which campus and the password to get in the venue.
Time : 2010/06/18 (Friday). 19:30 - 23:30.
Entrance fee : 2000 yen. Includes Mirai-chan curry and Mirai-chan lassi. Mmmmmm. Om nom nom. Please bring 2000 yen precisely as we don't
have change (sorry!)
Rules : No portrait rights, No smoking, No alcohol, please clean up after yourself, please don't make fun of or touch the dolls.
Tokyo CGM Night is all about bringing manufacturers and service providers together with content creators so the rules regarding who can attend remain as usual - you need to be a regular Twitter user and also have a website where you share content too.
Folks who have already registered for CGM Night 8 need not do so again.
Catering is provided by the Indian restaurant run by figure maker Max Factory - Indotei!
Indotei, Mirai and myself got together to develop a dish called Mirai-chan Curry!
Tokyo CGM Night is also a doll event - if you got daughters then bring them along! They get in for free. This photo taken at Tokyo CGM Night 7.
We got a load of cosplay too! If you are a cosplayer then feel free to come along in your gear. Cosplayers usually change in the toilets ^^;
This photo taken at Tokyo CGM Night 6.
Depending on the schedule of the figure makers, sometimes they show up and display figures before release. This photo was taken at CGM Night 6 where Good Smile Company brought along a load of Decoration Masters.
The main language used at Tokyo CGM Night is Japanese and 80% of attendees are Japanese locals.
This photo taken at Tokyo CGM Night 5.
Tokyo CGM Night has taken place at various venues across Tokyo including Fiat Cafe in Aoyama, Cospa headquarters, H&M in Harajuku, KDDI offices, Super Deluxe in Roppongi and Akiba:F run by the Japanese Red Cross Society.
At Tokyo CGM Night you will get to meet a load of like minded folks who share a passion for sharing content that is related to Japanese Pop Culture. Folks from the following companies are also on the mailing list and you will also get to mingle with them too:- Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Disney, Good Smile Company, AmiAmi, Cospa, Volks, Obitsu, Kotobukiya, Sony, Sanyo, Casio, Tech Crunch and more.
And you can find coverage of previous CGM Nights from attendees below.

Tokyo CGM Night Episode 7 (photo report)

Tokyo CGM Night Episode 6 (photo report)

Tokyo CGM Night Episode 5 (photo report)

Tokyo CGM Night Episode 4

Tokyo CGM Night Episode 3

Tokyo CGM Night Episode 2 (photo report)

Tokyo CGM Night Episode 1

Members of the Tokyo CGM Night mailing list are encouraged to use Tsubuyaku for their CGM Night related posts - a free service and only requires a Twitter account. Please use the hash tag #cgmnight