Samurai Sanders

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Thu 2008/05/08 17:02 JST in Japan
You've seen him dressed as a maid and now see Colonel Sanders dressed up as a Samurai during the Golden Week holidays here in Tokyo.
Just curious but do they dress up Sanders in your region too?
His sword looks rather limp though ^^; May be he needs some 2D girl pics to help him straighten it out.
Haruhi, Chicken burger and coleslaw - 1000 yen.
The view from Kentucky. I take a pic and then realized after that I snapped the "Chinko" from "Pachinko" - "Chinko" means "mans dolphin" in Japanese ^^;;;;;;
The Kentucky menu. While we are on the subject of food, JapanProbe reports on a disturbing subject...
The main restaurant of scandal-hit upmarket chain Senba Kitcho, located in the city’s Chuo Ward, has been serving leftovers to customers almost on a daily basis for more than 20 years, sources close to the restaurant said.
The restaurant’s head chef admitted at a press conference on Friday that the restaurant had been using the leftovers of six dishes, such as sweetfish broiled with salt, since five or six years ago.
But the sources said the restaurant had actually been reusing a wider range of food items, including broiled fish and beef that had been left untouched by customers, by cooking them again and serving them sometimes in boxed meals.
The only bad experience that I remember is when I was at a Korean restaurant in Shin Okubo near Shinjuku. As I was rummaging around the dish, I found a lovely roasted cockroach...
have you been served something nasty or inedible before?