Otaku.fm Feed Share Request

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Mon 2009/05/04 04:40 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
Otaku.fm is an aggregator that not only pulls in your RSS feed, it also makes a thumbnail from the first post in your blog posts. Otaku.fm is due to undergo a long awaited renewal this year. You can expect elevated levels of traffic if your feed is approved for otaku.fm and even more so when shared widgets come out soon.
You need to have my feed registered on your site and showing items from my feed. Go to Gordonator and look on the right column to see an example - you should be able to see my latest posts.
Gordon's feeds appear on Otaku.fm like this - all with a nice thumbnail with each item linked back to his posts.
Your posts are supposed to show up on dannychoo.com randomly across the site but is a bit buggy - will be fixed soon.
To get your feed on Otaku.fm, all you have to do is what Gordon done and register my RSS feed on your site to show the news items. If that feed does not work then try the Feed Burner version.
The next step is to apply to have your feed activated. The screenshot below is what you will see when you go to the profile edit page. Check the "Request Featured Feed" box and hit "Update" on the profile page. You will now see "". The chobits will automatically visit your site listed under what you put in "Website" and if it detects a feed you will automatically be activated. You will then see "".
If you are an approved feed member, you will already see "" next to the "Request Featured Feed" check box.
A few points
-If your feed does not appear on Otaku.fm then please check your feed address. It is your responsibility to make sure that it is well formatted. Sorry but cant help further than this.
-Please enable images in your feed and turn off anti-leeching code which will prevent us from getting your image for thumbnail generation.
-Your images should also be img src=.
-I cant support email queries regarding any issues that you may have - hundreds of other feed members have their feed enabled without problems.
-Your feed may take up to a week to be activated depending on how our chobits feel.
-Your application will continued to be ignored if my feed is not discovered on your site (sorry).
-If you previously applied to be activated but are not then please follow these steps and apply through your profile edit page.
-Posting your feed in the comments does nothing - you are responsible for managing your own feed in the profile edit page.
-Once you see "Approved" on your profile edit page, your feed will automatically start to appear on Otaku.fm. Your feed will not appear on Otaku.fm unless you see "Approved."
-You wont receive any acknowledgment that your feed has been activated - you should check your profile edit page for the "Approved" note.
-If you are approved, the next time you comment you will see a "" next to your name.
Also check out Antenna, Japansoc and Anime Nano for that extra boost in traffic.
Thought I'd include a pic of Nendoroid Rin for those who are not concerned with Otaku.fm.
Just like Hatsune Miku, her twintails support her so she can stand up without that base. Very cute.