Otacool Worldwide Cosplayers

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sat 2010/01/23 15:40 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
Before we start to look at some of the Otacool 2 entries, need to mention a few important things:-
  • Deadline for all entries has been fixed and will be Feb 14th 2010.
  • Looks like we can fit nearly all valid entries into the book. I chose some folks for the cover with Kotobukiya but Koto choose who gets who gets full pages and who gets on the back cover.
  • However, entries that wont be chosen are *any* submissions where photos are blurry, are of low resolution or have watermarks as mentioned in the original post. You will have your own profile page so no need for watermark. Also, we cant print low-res or blurry photos.
  • I have included some photos in this post that either contain watermarks or are of low resolution - it would be a shame if we could not use any of these photos. Please go back and edit your post by replacing photos with non-watermarked high res images.
  • Anything not tagged "otacool, otacool2, otacoolcosplay" cant be considered - tagging helps us identify if you want to submit your work. It also means that your original high res photos are stored on the server.
  • If your cosplay involves wearing helmet - we need a photo of you without it - complicated licensing issues that not I or koto has control of ToT.
  • Photos of you with other cosplayers is fine but you need to put notes under each photo so that the editors know which photos to choose.
  • Deadline for the official Otacool mascot is the Feb 7th 2010. Kotobukiya will decide which illustrator gets the position.
  • Good luck all! Just make sure you submit high res images - not watermarked!
OK, going to take a look at a selection I chose at random this morning which does contain a few faves of mine starting with Germany.
Name: Christina Paulus
Age: 21
Country of residence: Germany
Years of Cosplay: 1 1/2
Favourite Cosplay Character: Nia Teppelin
My website: http://www.ranma2020.deviantart.com
Brief statement: I hope the resolution is ok. I am such a Cosplaymaniac! 8D
And remember - just because your photo is not in this post (was not about to post over 200 photos in a single post), it does not mean you wont be in the book - only entries with blurry, low-res or watermarked photos wont be published - and about 50 entries fall into this category.
There are actually photos in this post that *wont* be in the book because they are low res or watermarked - if that applies to you then please go and replace your photos in your post.
Christina has a great example of how your entries should be - all hi-res with a good selection of photos which show costume and pose from various angles.
Christina also has a full profile - some entries didn't have a profile at all which we cant use.
Many photos were taken on a mobile phone - we cant use those for print - not with today's technology.
Name/Nickname: Gwen / whitestarzero
Age: 20
Country of Residence: Singapore
Years of Cosplay: 4 years
Favorite Cosplay character: Mikoshiba Shouta (DOLLS, Naked Ape)
Your Website (Blog, Twitter, Facebook):
http://sunshatteredglass.notcliche.com (blog)
Brief Statement: The magic is breathing life in 2D and the characters you love, and meeting fellow fans of the series.
Name : Deja vu (bahenol)
Age : 21
Country of residence : Indonesia
Years of cosplay : 3 (start at 2006)
Favorite cosplay character : Nene
Your website/twitter or facebook link : Sakuya Haruto (FB)
Brief statement: Cosplay is about to be somebody else that I want to be ^^
Name: Michael Jenkinson
Age: 19
Country of residence: England
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: Sanji from One Piece
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://mikejenks.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Whatever you do, make sure you have fun doing it!!
Hey Michael, Please remove watermarks from photos.
Name: Canis Panthera
Age: 20
Country of residence: United States
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Squall Leonhart from Dissidia Final Fantasy
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://canispanthera.deviantart.com/ http://www.cosplay.com/member/97184/ http://www.youtube.com/user/canispanthera
Brief statement: Creating a really accurate cosplay can be very difficult. It takes a lot of time, research, and dedication. But no matter how hard it gets, it's always important to remember to have fun.
* Name: Gordon Ho
* Age: 50
* Country of residence: Singapore
* Years of cosplay: 0
* Favorite cosplay character: Sandtrooper Sergeant
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://gordonator.com
Actually being a Sandtrooper isn't really considered cosplaying, we call it costuming. I started out as a Stormtrooper but feels that being dirty is so much more fun. ^^; I love it when kids say to their parent, "Mum, look at this one, so dirty!" or this cute girl who can't decide whether to take a picture with the clean Stormtrooper or dirty me. ^^
Being a Sandtrooper also means you are unique in a way that no second Sandtrooper has the same weathering as you. But unfortunately most people can't really differentiate between a Stormtrooper and a Sandtrooper. Most call a Sandtrooper as a Stormtrooper anyway. ^^;
OK anyway, here are some pics of me with various local cosplayers at a major cosplay event last December. Pardon for the bad shots, it aren't shot professionally, plus bad lightning, messy background etc. But hey, it's still a piece of memorable memory to me. ('~')
Nyan nyan Gordon, please submit photo of yourself without helmet but showing your armor (chest + neck)
Name: Kelly ai-honey
Age: 22
Country of residence: England
Years of cosplay: 3
Favorite cosplay character: Yoko
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://ai-honey.com - http://twitter.com/ai\_honey
Brief statement: Believe in You. Not the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in you who believes in yourself!
Hey Kelly, We need higher res images that are not watermarked.
Name: Francesca Dani
Age: 29
Country of residence: Italy
Years of cosplay: since October 1998
Favorite cosplay character: Misa Amane
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.francescadani.com
Brief statement: Alternative model and cosplay performer since 1998. I'm the most talked ones!
Another one for Francesca.
Age : 00
Country of residence : TH
Years of cosplay : 10
Favorite cosplay character : shiki(togainu no chi),Toshiya(DEG),CodeGeass,Voclaloid,..etc..
Your website/twitter or facebook link
DA : http://yuegene.deviantart.com
Cure : http://en.curecos.com/profile/?ch=44261
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/people/Yuegene-Fay/1122361558
Brief statement : I'm Yuegene. a cosplayer&model
about cosplay : I'm cosplayer, judeg, representation of Wcs2007&Wcs2009, and be guest of cosplay event on foreign country.I hope to know cosplayer all over the world and make friend with them.~
Another YUEGENE.
Name : Wreidyl Denorte ~kinokaoru
Age : 23
Country of residence : Philippines
Years of cosplay : 3
Favorite cosplay character : Tokusatsu/Live action, Kamen rider
Your website link :http://hongotakeshi99.multiply.com/
Brief statement: Iv'e been a big fan of Tokusatsu shows since childhood and it became one of my childhood dreams to become a Tokusatsu hero one day and Cosplaying has become an opportunity for me to make that dream come true. I also had discovered my talent in props and costume making when I did my very first cosplay and the rest is history..
These photos are from our Masked Rider Decade Photoshoot project
courtesy of: http://erinbare.deviantart.com/ : http://panoramicpanda.deviantart.com/ : http://janjanjan.deviantart.com/
costume is made of craft/rubber foam and leather.
Hey Wreidyl, Please submit a photo of you with costume but no helmet.
How much will you sell me your costume for? ^^;
Name: Emi-zone
Age: 18
Country of residence: Ye olde England
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: Zidane Tribal
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.Emi-zone.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Stand Strong and Carry On
Name: Imperia (Maria aka Zlaya Panda)
Age: 30
Country of residence: Russia
Years of cosplay: 3
Favorite cosplay character: Helga von Vogelweide (Trinity Blood)
Website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/m85388/
Brief statement: We are cosplay group from Russia. We're cosplaying and performing as a team, that is why we have one common gallery and registering one common account.
Name: Maridah
Age: 25
Country of residence: USA
Years of cosplay: 9
Favorite cosplay character: Saber
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.maridah.com
Brief statement: Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
This is not Saber cosplay - this *is* Saber ^^;
Another one of my faves.
Name: Vedri ( kuraikawai)
Age: 27
Country of residence: Spain
Years of Cosplay: 8
Favourite Cosplay character: Lulu from Final fantasy, Hinoto (X TV)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kuraikawai
I've always wanted to do a Cosplay photo session, finally I found a good excuse :)
* Name: jihwan
* Age: 16
* Country of residence: USA
* Years of cosplay: 1 year
* Favorite cosplay character: Garlock Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann), Jin Kisaragi (Blazblue)
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.ji-hwan.deviantart.com
* I've had some confusion of my gender in the past, but I'm female. XD
Name: Ashley Gosiengfiao
Age: 20
Country of residence: Philippines
Years of cosplay: 7
Favorite cosplay character: Shiori Tsuzuki of Witchblade
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://orangeish.deviantart.com and Facebook Page
Brief statement: *to follow*

Name: Eileen -Thelindra


Country of residence: Singapore

Years of cosplay: 2

Favorite cosplay character: Characters with long hair usually.

Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://thelindra.deviantart.com/

Brief statement: Put in your best, and more importantly, have fun <3

name : prihaningtyas widarsih
Age : 23
Years of cosplay : 3 years
Country of residence : Indonesia
Cosple Fav: Edea Kramer
facebook link : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1819066309\&ref=ts
Brief Statement: I love playing with BEAUTY.
Name: Yuanie Ho
Age: 25
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 10
Favorite cosplay character: Link from Legend of Zelda, Sakura from Sakura Taisen, ChunLi from Street Fighter, Sheryl from Macross Frontier, CC from Code Geass, Chii from Chobits...etc etc :P
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.yuanie.com , http://yuanie.deviantart.com/
Brief statement: Cosplay has certainly bring me to a world of creativity, photo taking fun and awesomeness to meet more friends ^_^
Name: Yuki LeFay
Age: 26
Country of residence: Brazil
Years of cosplay: 9
Favorite cosplay character: Michiru from Sailor Moon
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.yukicosplay.com
Brief statement: Cosplay is more than a hobby, is a kind of magic we do with fabric.
Name: MinTos
Age : Ara ara... ^__^'''
Country of residence: Malaysia
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Mylene Flare Jenius, Bacstual, Ranka Lee and many more!
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement:
"Love many things for therein lies true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well." ~Vincent Van Gogh
Loves sharing her favourite series through cosplay, dabbling in arts and crafts and making new friends along the way! :3 Has a soft spot for old school animes and a secret passion for shoes!
* ( ; v ;)/ Sankyuu for the wait! *
Cosplay name: Riddle (riddle on Dannychoo.com)
Age; Old enough to remember when anime was called japanimation.
Country of residence; USA/Canada
Years of cosplay: 10 years
Favorite cosplay character: I have so many, but I like Battle Angel Alita; she one of the anime characters whose body type I felt I could pull off, showing little packages can pack a powerful punch! Plus who doesn't like comfortable shoes.
Your website/twitter or facebook link: Http://www.himearts.com or http://www.twitter.com/ridd1e
Brief statement: My love of cosplay is in constant conflict with my love of food. Even I don't know who will win in that epic battle.
Name: Alodia Gosiengfiao (dannychoo.com nickname: Alodia)
Age: 21
Country of Residence: Philippines
Years of Cosplay: 7
Favorite Cosplay Character: Amaha Masane of WitchBlade, The Baroness, The Elven Fairy, Misa Amane of Death Note, I-no of Guilty Gear and Lili of Tekken 5.
Website: www.alodiagosiengfiao.com and My Facebook
Brief Statement:
Hello! I am Alodia, an artist, gamer, blogger, pianist, figure & BJD collector/photographer, model and cosplayer. I started cosplaying along with my sister Ashley when I was 15 years old (2003) and started to get invitations to guest judge cosplay competitions when I turned 18. Since then, my love for cosplay has never faded. In fact, my love for it actually grew greater over time; and that I can also consider cosplaying to have the greatest influence on myself as an individual. One of my life's goal is to spread the passion of cosplaying and bring together great cosplayers and cosplay enthusiasts all over the world - thus CosplayCircle was born.
Name mrkittycosplay Mr. Kitty
Age: 18
Country of residence: Australia
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character Link, Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Your website/twitter or facebook link:http://mrkittycosplay.deviantart.com/
Brief statement: I will cut your wigs for you! :D
Name: Tiffany (Himachan)
Age : 19
Country of residence : Singapore
Years of cosplay: 1 year
Favorite cosplay character: Vocaloid's Kagamine Len/Rin
Website of mine : http://himachan.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Happy mood, Better cosplay! <3
Name: Asa Yeo (dannychoo.com nick: Amano)
Age: 24
Country: Singapore
Years of Cosplay: 0.5
Favourite Cosplay Character: Nekki Basara (Macross 7), Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann), Souma Kukai (Shugo Chara), and more... 8D
Website: http://amano7.deviantart.com
Brief Statement: I'm new to the cosplay but more of a cosplay photographer instead. Pardon for my little photos ( * ∆ * )
* Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me, who believes in you!... ORE NO UTA WO KIKE!!!
Name: Brennan (Burloire)
Age: 20
Country of residence: USA
Years of cosplay: 3 years~
Favorite cosplay character: Kuja
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.burloire.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Are you ready guys! GOOD! Then let's PARTY!
Brennan, Please remove watermarks and submit high res photos.
Name: Perzephone
Age: 31
Country of residence: Seattle, WA USA
Years of cosplay: 2+
Favorite cosplay character: Nia Teppelin
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://perzypoo.deviantart.com/
Brief statement:
Hi, my name is Alli and I'm also known by Perzephone.(pronounced per-zeff-fa-knee) I been cosplaying for lil over 2 years now. I am also a gamer, my game that I love playing is Aion, and soon it will be Final Fantasy 13 when it finally comes out in the states!
The games I mainly play are PC, my game of choice is Aion. I have played Everquest and Everquest 2, FF11 and City of Heroes. I also play console games on the PS3, Wii, DS, PSP & on XBox.
My upcoming cosplays this year will be Himawari of XXXHolic, Vanille of FF13, Asuka Kazama of Tekken, Tin Nyanko of Sailor Moon Stars, Rydia of FF4, and down the road I will be making an Aion cosplay as well.
Cosplay is a great place to meet new friends and a great outlet to expand your creativity!
Name: MACHIPOT team
Age: 4
Country of residence: Indonesia
Years of cosplay: 4
Favorite cosplay character: one piece, king of fighters, final fantasy x-2, soul calibur
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/Machipot
Brief statement: dreams come true
* Name: Yaya Han
* Country of residence: USA
* Years of cosplay: 10
* Favorite cosplay character: Felicia, Darkstalkers
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: www.yayahan.com
* Brief statement:
Yaya is one of only few cosplayers in the world to build a business in this hobby-ist community, but even after a decade of success, she strives to stay true to what got her into this field originally - fun and creativity. To this day,Yaya has made a myriad of costumes in the genres of anime/manga, video games, sci-fi and of course from her own original designs. Her intricate and lavish creations have won awards and acclaim nationwide, and she has been invited to appear as a Guest to over 50 conventions and other events all over the world.Yaya has taught a multitude of workshops on costume craftsmanship, presentation, makeup, wigs and more; judged countless costume contests; and performed on stage in front of peers and fans from over 10 countries.
**I'm having some trouble uploading photos, but will keep trying. If there is another way to submit photos, please consider making it available to us cosplayers with a lot of high resolution images. Thank you.**
Name: Christina Paulus
Age: 21
Country of residence: Germany
Years of Cosplay: 1 1/2
Favourite Cosplay Character: Nia Teppelin
My website: http://www.ranma2020.deviantart.com
Brief statement: I hope the resolution is ok. I am such a Cosplaymaniac! 8D
Name: Rhiannon Griffiths
Age: 19
Country of residence: UK
Years of cosplay: 4 years and counting!
Favorite cosplay character: Caterina de Sforza, a true cosplayers dream.
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/VulpixRyn?ref=name
Brief statement: Cosplay -verb, noun. 1. To take on the likeness and persona of another character or person. 2. An act of letting yourself become whomever you may wish to be, in whatever way you see fit, and enjoying yourself in the process =^_^=
Name: Tsuyin
Age: 16
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay : 2
Favorite cosplay character: I love the characters I cosplay (if not I wouldn't be cosplaying them) but if I can only choose one, it would be Syaoran! <3
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://tsuyin.deviantart.com/
Brief statement : Uhmmmmm, I love cosplay! 8D
Name: Jessica Ishii (Sami)
Age: 18
Country of residence: Brazil
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid2/Project Diva)
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile\&id=1166340766
Brief statement: Cosplaying for me is more than wearing a beautiful costume. Is to live your favorite character.
* Name: Zac Bush (ClearTranquil)
* Age: 21
* Country of residence: Canada
* Years of cosplay: 6
* Favorite cosplay character: KAITO
* Link: http://blog.cleartranquil.com
* Statement: Cosplay has been a hobby of mine since I first discovered there was a local anime convention here in Vancouver, BC. I took this hobby to the streets of Akihabara in my recent visit to Tokyo to see what kind of reactions I'd get. Needless to say, it was a blast.
Name: K
Age: 25
Country of residence: Australia XD
Years of cosplay: 10 Years (since 2000)
Favorite cosplay character: Sora -KHII, Syaoran - TRC, Mikhail - Macross Frontier, Cloud - FF/KH
DA: http://k-chan009.deviantart.com/
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/kk0072006
Cure : http://ja.curecos.com/profile/?ch=54096
Brief statement:
I am very passionate about traveling around the world, Japan & its Culture, Anime/Manga, Costumes, Music, Acting, Art & Photography - with Cosplay combining all the aspects of life which I love! (I am also now fluent in Japanese thanks to the influence of Cosplay! <3 )
My motto's in life are to never do things half way...to always do the things which I love and have a passion for - because then you will never work a day in your life!
Face the challenge, live the dream!
Name: ShamanRenji - Kimi
Age: 19
Country of residence: Belgium
Years of cosplay: 4
Favorite cosplay character: Lelouch Lamperouge / Code Geass
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://shamanrenji.deviantart.com/
Brief statement 'One for All - All for Cosplay!'
Your cosplay photos - Full body, upper body, head shots (2 or more of each)
Hey ShamanRenji, Please resubmit photos without watermarks.
Name: Kimi
Age: 23
Country of residence: Indonesia
Years of cosplay: 3
Favorite cosplay character: meracle chamlotte - star ocean 4
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile\&id=685866942
Brief statement: living life with dreams :D
Hey Kimi, Need higher-res non blurry photos - please resubmit.
Name : Kaika
Age: O_O |||
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 9 years
Favorite cosplay character : Shana, Suzumiya Haruhi, Himura Kenshin Mogami Kyoko
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://thecosplaychronicles.vze.com
Brief statement: Never take the "Play" out of "CosPlay". Remember to have fun while you dazzle! I've been cosplaying for nearly 9 years and have recently decided to do more than just Cosplay. Hence I started a cosplay blog at http://thecosplaychronicles.vze.com to share my thoughts about the hobby, pimp photos and share tutorial tips and videos I created ^_^. Please check it out if you can ^_^!
Name Rina (rinabyakuran)
Age : 22
Country of residence : Singapore
Years of cosplay: 3 years
Favorite cosplay character Kaito from vocaloid
Website of mine : rinabyakuran.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Cosplay is a hobby to me and i love it <3
Name : Ryukku-K
Age: ??
Country of Residence: Malaysia
Years of Cosplay: 3 years
Favorite Cosplay character: All that I cosplays ^^
Your Website:
DevianArt: http://himmelmetamorphose.deviantart.com/
Artwork Website: http://s.o.b.110mb.com/
CureCos: http://en.curecos.com/profile/?ch=175026
Brief Statement About Yourself:
Just another ordinary student who likes manga and anime like everyone else. Loves drawing and cosplaying, and they have made a part of me. I enjoy making my own costumes and props and everytime I work on something new, it’s always a new challenge for me. Cosplaying is not just about being in a costume, its about the love for the character I cosplay and potraying at my best as them. And most of the time I cosplay the characters that makes me feel that I’m connected to them somehow, such as the personality :3 Definitely love to get to know and meet cosplayers from all over the world who shares the same passion :D
Age: 23
Country of Residence: Malaysia
Years of Cosplay: 6 ++ years
Favorite Cosplay character: Kagamine Rin and a lot more
Your Website:
Brief Statement About Yourself: I like to watch anime, read manga, listening to music and drama CDs, sewing and cosplay.
More coming...Sorry coz I'm still sorting out some photos...
Name : Pinky Lu Xun
Age : 26
Country of residence : Indonesia
Years of cosplay : 12 years ( since 1998 )
Favorite cosplay character : Ashura ( R.G. veda ), Rikku ( FFX2 ), Elf ( Lineage II )
Website: My Deviantart, Cosplay.com
Brief statement :
My name is Pinky from Indonesia, I like cosplay because I think that cosplay indeed is a complicated artwork, which is contains of fashion design, craftsmanship, make up artist, photography and photo editing, acting and still more ...
I really enjoyed costume making as a self pleasure, not just because it makes me learn more about things I had never learn before, but it also makes me getting more creative, and when it’s come to teamwork, costume making and cosplay itself makes my friendship bond stronger with my teammate
Beside all that, cosplay also influence my social life in a positive way, it makes me gain a lot of friends from my own country and overseas, I do hope to get more friends in the future…
Name: kaguya
Age: 00
Country of residence: Australia for now!
Years of cosplay: 1
Favorite cosplay character: Any character with long hair (^ω^)
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://kaguyaxhime.deviantart.com/
Brief statement:
Hello!! Cosplay is something I enjoy very much and it is very special to me as I have met many wonderful people who have taught me lots of things. There are lots of talented people out there I've yet/would like to meet and I hope to do many more cosplays from now on!
First upload had problems.. sorry >_<
Another one from Kaguya.
Father Alexander Anderson
Name: Renato de Almeida Lopes (RAL)
Age: 26
Country of residence: Brazil
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Luxus Dreher (Fairy Tail)
Your website/twitter or facebook link: twitter.com/ral_filmes
Brief statement: You will only live twice
MYnT is a new group formed by 3 school girls, with the mission to spread "Moe" and their love of anime to the world and beyond! Music Single coming soon! ♥♥♥ Lovely Lovely! ^^
MYnT are: Miya, Yoshimi n Tomomi
MYnT Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MYnT/267178636505?ref=nf
Featured photos: Poraloids: Vocaloids Remix Cosplay
Hey MYnT! Need un-watermarked photos.
Name: Miyake
Age: 20
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 1
Favorite cosplay character:
Hatsune Miku
Your website/twitter or facebook:
Website / Blog:-
Brief statement:
Cosplay allows me to become my favourite anime character. I live for anime and all things Japanese. I look forward to more opportunities in Cosplay with my fellow MYnT Gals ^^; I want to bring Cosplay to the world!
Name: Tomomi
Age: 17
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: Sheryl Nome
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Website / Blog:-
Brief statement:
Without Cosplay, I wouldn't have been able to meet so many awesome people, it's taught me a lot and I've enjoyed every shoot I've had! Cosplay Banzai!!!
Tomomi-chan, 1 cuppa tea please.
Name: Yoshimi
Age: 19
Country of residence: Singapore, Tokyo
Years of cosplay: 4
Favorite cosplay character:
Nanami Luchia from Mermaid Melody pitch pitch pitch
Your website/twitter or facebook: http://ferlynyoshimi.blogspot.com
Brief Statement:
「アニメ大好き!」この熱い気持ちを皆に伝いたい!!レッツ コスプレ♪♪
Hello~ I'm Yoshimi and i've been cosplaying ever since the summer i turned 15♪ Yoshimi was the representative for the World Cosplay Summit 2006 and met so many beautiful people then whom I still remain close friends with till this day.(o^0^)o
Yoshimi's dream is to live in the world of anime. ((●´∀`●))/
Yoshimi wants to tell the whole world her love for anime~
Let's Cosplay ♪♪
国籍(出身地):日本 (Japan)
Name: Yevgeniya Ocheretko (Megami Shiawase)
Age: 17
Country of residence: Ukraine
Years of cosplay: 1,5
Favorite cosplay character: Michiru (Sailor Neptune) from Sailor Moon, Lulu from Final Fantasy X
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.cosplay.com/member/157741/
Brief statement: False tears bring pain to those around you. False smiles bring pain to oneself.
Name (including dannychoo.com Nick Name): Miyukiko
Age: 20
Country of residence: Australia
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Little boys
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement:
I am more of an artist than cosplayer, but whilst I stress on art, I find cosplay interesting to make because of gradual progress with your own hands, and all kinda of interesting results! :D
Another from Miyukiko.
* Name (including dannychoo.com Nick Name): Jessica Ouano (Jess-chan)
* Age:15
* Country of residence:Philippines
* Years of cosplay:3 years
* Favorite cosplay character:Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://angelace9.deviantart.com
* Brief statement:Live your life to the fullest, don't waste it!!
Photographers: Roland Dela Cerna and Dexter Arcenas
Name: MsSaku
Age: 19
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: If I have to pick just one, Akito from Air Gear then. (^_^)
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
My DA (for my drawings)
Brief statement:
She spends most of the time in front of her laptop. Not to play games, but to do researches on her characters, the costumes and the props.
Let's have fun and improve our cosplay together, everyone! YOSH!
Name: Julien Moysens
Age: 24
Country of residence: Belgium
Years of cosplay: 1
Favorite cosplay character: Fye D. Flowright
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://allexiel.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Smile at life, and life will smile at you.
Name: Federica Di Nardo
Age: 21
Country of residence: Italy
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Chise From Saikano
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement: I'm an extroverse and crazy girl who likes comics, anime, manga and all about oriental culture.
I currently study Political Sciences and International Institutions, moreover I'm practising with japanese language... one day I'll speak properly!
I'm a cosplayer since 2005, and I think this is my most beloved passion... I couldn't live whitout it!
KANAME (Japan)
Name : Amin Rider (kotarominamin)
Age : 28
Country of residence : Indonesia
Years of cosplay : 3 years
Favorite cosplay character : Kamen Rider
Your website/twitter or facebook link : http://variozector.multiply.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1514470550
Brief statement: My kamen rider black cosplay photoshoot with http://hellsign.deviantart.com/
the costume are made from paper, foam, leather, & plastic.
Hey Amin, Please add a photo of yourself in suit but without the helmet (don't show the helmet in the photos)
Name: Yolkler
Age: -
Country of residence: Thailand
Years of cosplay: 8
Favorite cosplay character: Youji (Sweetpool), Kusuri-uri (モノノ怪), Watanuki (XXXHOLiC), Yamamoto Takeshi (KHR), Hibari Kyoya (KHR), Zenryu (Zone-00), Gackpoid: Vocaloid etc.
Your website/twitter or facebook link Deviant Art, Photo album, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, CURE
Brief statement: Hai, i'm Yolkler. i'm cosplayer in Thailand. i representation of wcs2007 and AFA09. how nice to meet everyone who love same as me right? XD
Hey Yolkler, Need higher res photos - like the kamen rider one above.
Cosplay made and modelled by me!
# Name Kyuukyuusha

Age 17

Country of residence Australia

Years of cosplay 2

Favorite cosplay character Rider, or Sheryl♥

Your website/twitter or facebook link http://www.facebook.com/KagamiMaboroshi

Brief statement Hi I'm a 17 year old girl who has a passion for cosplay and wants to do way to many costumes then I have time for.

Hey Kyuukyuusha, please post more hi-res photos in your entry.
Name: Jin (and Kat, Miguel, Ysabel, China) / Tuxedo Team
Age: X
Country of residence: Philippines
Years of cosplay: 4
Favorite cosplay character: Kenshin Himura
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://behindinfinity.deviantart.com/
Brief statement: For us, cosplay is about having fun with friends, paying homage to the characters that inspire us, and bringing a little bit of magic into reality. Don't stop believing!
(I was actually hoping that group entries would be allowed because my friends and I always cosplay together. If it is compulsory to have an individual representative, then I guess that would be me. I've included some solo portraits just to be sure. - Jin)
Hey Jin, Please make clear which photos you want used - hi-res please.
Name: Krista Weatherbee
Age: 19
Country of residence: United States Of America
Years of cosplay: 7
Favorite cosplay character: Any innocent or crazy characters
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://exilefayt.deviantart.com/
Brief statement: It's easy to look down on yourself, but it takes true strength to believe in yourself.
Hey Krista, please post large photos of your submitted photos without watermarks.
Name: Imperia (Natalia aka Alix Alberti)
Age: 30
Country of residence: Russia
Years of cosplay: 4
Favorite cosplay character: Dilandau Albatou (The Vision of Escaflowne), Takenaka Hanbei (Sengoku Basara), Seth Nightlord (Trinity Blood)
Website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/m85388/
Brief statement: We are cosplay group from Russia. We're cosplaying and performing as a team, that is why we have one common gallery and registering one common account.
Hey Imperia, Please post more photos of yourself.
Name:Gwendolyn (Mitsuki)
Age: 19
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 3 years
Favorite cosplay character: Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://amplified-insanity.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Cosplay is my passion and one hobby that I will never give up on.
Hey Gwendolyn, Please remove watermarks and upload hi-res images.
Name: Federica Di Nardo
Age: 21
Country of residence: Italy
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Chise From Saikano
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement: I'm an extroverse and crazy girl who likes comics, anime, manga and all about oriental culture.
I currently study Political Sciences and International Institutions, moreover I'm practising with japanese language... one day I'll speak properly!
I'm a cosplayer since 2005, and I think this is my most beloved passion... I couldn't live whitout it!
Name: Millia (missrage)
Age: 23
Country of residence: USA
Years of cosplay: 6
Favorite cosplay character: Too hard to pick just one!!!!
I got into cosplay for my love of costuming and sewing, my love for anime came after that.
The Rei Ayanami based on a figure that came out last summer, but I mixed in a little Guro style, as it works so well for Rei. I won a judges award for a Midnight Tea (Gothic Lolita) competition for this costume and table setting at Anime Expo 09. I loved wearing this costume! I made a matching Asuka costume for my sister and we had a great time!!!
The Saber costume was lovely to wear, even though it was so heavy and I was never able to make the armor.
I had a whole group of cosplayers with me for the rest of the Fate Stay night cast, so we made an awesome sight together. We won best of show in the Anime Vegas 2009 Masquerade.
The Witch Hunter Robin cosplay I love because of its simplicity. It is wonderful to wear and move in, and I feel as though this is one of the cosplays I 'fit' the most. I won this along with an Amon, Best veteran construction (even though we had never been in a Masquerade before).
* Name: Nicole "Sode no Shirayuki"
* Age: 22
* Country of residence: Brazil
* Years of cosplay: 5
* Favorite cosplay character: Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach), Nami (One Piece) & Sailor Star Fighter (Sailor Moon)
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://sodenoshirayuki.deviantart.com
* Brief statement: It's amazing to become for one day (or two, heehee) like a character you love so much, isn't it? It's a wonderful experience!
Name: Akira Daidouji (BiZ )
Age: 19
Country of residence: United States
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: Dejiko; Yukari - Paradise Kiss (Currently Working); Sailor Pluto (Currently Working)
Your website/twitter or facebook link: www.bizria.deviantart.com; Akira Daidouji on Facebook
Brief statement: It's all in fun. Don't take it too seriously or the magic will be ruined.
Thank you for looking and supporting myself and my photographers~!
* Name (including dannychoo.com Nick Name)
Keith (SephoRa)
* Age
* Country of residence
* Years of cosplay
3years and gathering more exp~
* Favorite cosplay character
Lu Bu (from Dynasty Warriors 6)
* Your website/twitter or facebook link
* Brief statement
"enjoying life as an otaku, loving every min of it~"
Name: Fabiola Vergara (fabiolamustang <--- dannychoo nickname)
Age: 19
Country of residence: El Salvador
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: C.C. of Code geass
Your website/twitter or facebook link: Facebook
Brief statement:
I got into the world of anime almost two years ago... and I loved to cosplay movie characters and other stuff before this and, since I got into this new world, I started to cosplay and I just loved it... the costume, accesories, weapons design is great and of course, to perform as the character I'm cosplaying is the best part of all. I cosplay all characters from anime/manga I get to like and the ones I feel most confortable cosplaying. In my country cosplay has just started a couple of years ago and I'm so glad to be part of this.
Can't believe there is actually a contest about this, I'm so happy I can give it a try... why not?
Name: Kiro (Nick on DC/Figure: Kiro )
Age: 19
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: Hiraga Saito
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.Kirostory.com
Brief statement: Always try and keep trying until you succeed. You won't know until you try =P
Name: Frank (dannychoo.com nick: raistlin03)
Age: 26
Country: Singapore
Years of Cosplay: 5
Favourite Cosplay Character: Kamui Gakupo from Vocaloids
Website: http://raistlin03.deviantart.com
Brief Statement: Just another cosplayer from the sunny little island of Singapore who is stuck in the world of cosplay, games and anime.
Name: Ruby (dannychoo.com Nick Name: Nakuru)
Age: 20
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 5 years
Favorite cosplay character: Ranka Lee (Macross Frontier), Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier), Konata (Lucky Star), Shana (Shakugan no Shana) and many many others............. too much to list XD
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://baby-ruby.deviantart.com/
Brief statement:
I love anime~ I love cosplay~~ I am....... OTAKU~~~~
Minna!!!! Dakishimete!!! Ginga no... hatemade!!!!!
Hey Ruby, Need higher-res photos please.
Name: Rox
Country of residence: Malaysia
Years of cosplay: 6+
Favorite cosplay character: Shinobu (Junjou Terrorist), Shimura Shinpachi (Gintama), Kagamine Len (Vocaloid)
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement:
Cosplay is still my most favorites hobby~
like to Crossplay~
日本語でどうぞ~ :D
Hey Rox, Please remove watermarks from photos.
  • Name: Lilithy
  • Age: 30
  • Country of residence: Brazil
  • Years of cosplay: 5
  • Favorite cosplay character: Athena (Saint Seiya)
  • Website link: http://www.lilithycosplay.com
  • Brief statement: I'm a brazilian cosplayer and cosmaker. I love this art that makes possible to transform a fantasy into reality.
Name: Sky (Dannychoo.com nick: skypegasus)
Age: forever young XD
Country of residence: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Years of cosplay: 6 years
Favorite cosplay character: Honron (Petshop of Horrors) and Elizabeth (Kuroshitsuji)
Brief statement: Cosplaying = random bouts of temporary insanity = fun time with as-crazy friends = I'm loving it hoyea~!!! <3
* Name: Juliana Rabelo
* Nickname: Hatsumomo
* Age: 22 years
* Country of residence: Brazil
* Years of cosplay: 7 years
* Favorite cosplay character: Lady Oscar, from Rose of Versailles
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: Blog: http://branctorche.blogspot.com Twitter: @Hatsumomo_
* Brief statement: In Omnia Paratus!
Name : Orochi X
Age : 24
Country of residence : Indonesia
Years of cosplay : 7 years ( since 2003 )
Favorite cosplay character : Cain Nightlord ( Trinity Blood ), Kamael ( Lineage II )
Website: Endiru Multiply , Cosplay.Com
Name (including dannychoo.com Nick Name): Miyukiko
Age: 20
Country of residence: Australia
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Little boys
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement:
I am more of an artist than cosplayer, but whilst I stress on art, I find cosplay interesting to make because of gradual progress with your own hands, and all kinda of interesting results! :D
Another from Miyukiko.
* Name (including dannychoo.com Nick Name): Jessica Ouano (Jess-chan)
* Age:15
* Country of residence:Philippines
* Years of cosplay:3 years
* Favorite cosplay character:Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://angelace9.deviantart.com
* Brief statement:Live your life to the fullest, don't waste it!!
Photographers: Roland Dela Cerna and Dexter Arcenas
Name: MsSaku
Age: 19
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: If I have to pick just one, Akito from Air Gear then. (^_^)
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
My DA (for my drawings)
Brief statement:
She spends most of the time in front of her laptop. Not to play games, but to do researches on her characters, the costumes and the props.
Let's have fun and improve our cosplay together, everyone! YOSH!
Name: Julien Moysens
Age: 24
Country of residence: Belgium
Years of cosplay: 1
Favorite cosplay character: Fye D. Flowright
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://allexiel.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Smile at life, and life will smile at you.
Name: Federica Di Nardo
Age: 21
Country of residence: Italy
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Chise From Saikano
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement: I'm an extroverse and crazy girl who likes comics, anime, manga and all about oriental culture.
I currently study Political Sciences and International Institutions, moreover I'm practising with japanese language... one day I'll speak properly!
I'm a cosplayer since 2005, and I think this is my most beloved passion... I couldn't live whitout it!
KANAME (Japan)
Name : Amin Rider (kotarominamin)
Age : 28
Country of residence : Indonesia
Years of cosplay : 3 years
Favorite cosplay character : Kamen Rider
Your website/twitter or facebook link : http://variozector.multiply.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1514470550
Brief statement: My kamen rider black cosplay photoshoot with http://hellsign.deviantart.com/
the costume are made from paper, foam, leather, & plastic.
Hey Amin, Please add a photo of yourself in suit but without the helmet (don't show the helmet in the photos)
Name: Yolkler
Age: -
Country of residence: Thailand
Years of cosplay: 8
Favorite cosplay character: Youji (Sweetpool), Kusuri-uri (モノノ怪), Watanuki (XXXHOLiC), Yamamoto Takeshi (KHR), Hibari Kyoya (KHR), Zenryu (Zone-00), Gackpoid: Vocaloid etc.
Your website/twitter or facebook link Deviant Art, Photo album, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, CURE
Brief statement: Hai, i'm Yolkler. i'm cosplayer in Thailand. i representation of wcs2007 and AFA09. how nice to meet everyone who love same as me right? XD
Hey Yolkler, Need higher res photos - like the kamen rider one above.
Cosplay made and modelled by me!
# Name Kyuukyuusha

Age 17

Country of residence Australia

Years of cosplay 2

Favorite cosplay character Rider, or Sheryl♥

Your website/twitter or facebook link http://www.facebook.com/KagamiMaboroshi

Brief statement Hi I'm a 17 year old girl who has a passion for cosplay and wants to do way to many costumes then I have time for.

Hey Kyuukyuusha, please post more hi-res photos in your entry.
Name: Jin (and Kat, Miguel, Ysabel, China) / Tuxedo Team
Age: X
Country of residence: Philippines
Years of cosplay: 4
Favorite cosplay character: Kenshin Himura
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://behindinfinity.deviantart.com/
Brief statement: For us, cosplay is about having fun with friends, paying homage to the characters that inspire us, and bringing a little bit of magic into reality. Don't stop believing!
(I was actually hoping that group entries would be allowed because my friends and I always cosplay together. If it is compulsory to have an individual representative, then I guess that would be me. I've included some solo portraits just to be sure. - Jin)
Hey Jin, Please make clear which photos you want used - hi-res please.
Name: Krista Weatherbee
Age: 19
Country of residence: United States Of America
Years of cosplay: 7
Favorite cosplay character: Any innocent or crazy characters
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://exilefayt.deviantart.com/
Brief statement: It's easy to look down on yourself, but it takes true strength to believe in yourself.
Hey Krista, please post large photos of your submitted photos without watermarks.
Name: Imperia (Natalia aka Alix Alberti)
Age: 30
Country of residence: Russia
Years of cosplay: 4
Favorite cosplay character: Dilandau Albatou (The Vision of Escaflowne), Takenaka Hanbei (Sengoku Basara), Seth Nightlord (Trinity Blood)
Website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/m85388/
Brief statement: We are cosplay group from Russia. We're cosplaying and performing as a team, that is why we have one common gallery and registering one common account.
Hey Imperia, Please post more photos of yourself.
Name:Gwendolyn (Mitsuki)
Age: 19
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 3 years
Favorite cosplay character: Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://amplified-insanity.deviantart.com
Brief statement: Cosplay is my passion and one hobby that I will never give up on.
Hey Gwendolyn, Please remove watermarks and upload hi-res images.
Name: Federica Di Nardo
Age: 21
Country of residence: Italy
Years of cosplay: 5
Favorite cosplay character: Chise From Saikano
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement: I'm an extroverse and crazy girl who likes comics, anime, manga and all about oriental culture.
I currently study Political Sciences and International Institutions, moreover I'm practising with japanese language... one day I'll speak properly!
I'm a cosplayer since 2005, and I think this is my most beloved passion... I couldn't live whitout it!
Name: Millia (missrage)
Age: 23
Country of residence: USA
Years of cosplay: 6
Favorite cosplay character: Too hard to pick just one!!!!
I got into cosplay for my love of costuming and sewing, my love for anime came after that.
The Rei Ayanami based on a figure that came out last summer, but I mixed in a little Guro style, as it works so well for Rei. I won a judges award for a Midnight Tea (Gothic Lolita) competition for this costume and table setting at Anime Expo 09. I loved wearing this costume! I made a matching Asuka costume for my sister and we had a great time!!!
The Saber costume was lovely to wear, even though it was so heavy and I was never able to make the armor.
I had a whole group of cosplayers with me for the rest of the Fate Stay night cast, so we made an awesome sight together. We won best of show in the Anime Vegas 2009 Masquerade.
The Witch Hunter Robin cosplay I love because of its simplicity. It is wonderful to wear and move in, and I feel as though this is one of the cosplays I 'fit' the most. I won this along with an Amon, Best veteran construction (even though we had never been in a Masquerade before).
* Name: Nicole "Sode no Shirayuki"
* Age: 22
* Country of residence: Brazil
* Years of cosplay: 5
* Favorite cosplay character: Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach), Nami (One Piece) & Sailor Star Fighter (Sailor Moon)
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://sodenoshirayuki.deviantart.com
* Brief statement: It's amazing to become for one day (or two, heehee) like a character you love so much, isn't it? It's a wonderful experience!
Name: Akira Daidouji (BiZ )
Age: 19
Country of residence: United States
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: Dejiko; Yukari - Paradise Kiss (Currently Working); Sailor Pluto (Currently Working)
Your website/twitter or facebook link: www.bizria.deviantart.com; Akira Daidouji on Facebook
Brief statement: It's all in fun. Don't take it too seriously or the magic will be ruined.
Thank you for looking and supporting myself and my photographers~!
* Name (including dannychoo.com Nick Name)
Keith (SephoRa)
* Age
* Country of residence
* Years of cosplay
3years and gathering more exp~
* Favorite cosplay character
Lu Bu (from Dynasty Warriors 6)
* Your website/twitter or facebook link
* Brief statement
"enjoying life as an otaku, loving every min of it~"
Name: Fabiola Vergara (fabiolamustang <--- dannychoo nickname)
Age: 19
Country of residence: El Salvador
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: C.C. of Code geass
Your website/twitter or facebook link: Facebook
Brief statement:
I got into the world of anime almost two years ago... and I loved to cosplay movie characters and other stuff before this and, since I got into this new world, I started to cosplay and I just loved it... the costume, accesories, weapons design is great and of course, to perform as the character I'm cosplaying is the best part of all. I cosplay all characters from anime/manga I get to like and the ones I feel most confortable cosplaying. In my country cosplay has just started a couple of years ago and I'm so glad to be part of this.
Can't believe there is actually a contest about this, I'm so happy I can give it a try... why not?
Name: Kiro (Nick on DC/Figure: Kiro )
Age: 19
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 2
Favorite cosplay character: Hiraga Saito
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.Kirostory.com
Brief statement: Always try and keep trying until you succeed. You won't know until you try =P
Name: Frank (dannychoo.com nick: raistlin03)
Age: 26
Country: Singapore
Years of Cosplay: 5
Favourite Cosplay Character: Kamui Gakupo from Vocaloids
Website: http://raistlin03.deviantart.com
Brief Statement: Just another cosplayer from the sunny little island of Singapore who is stuck in the world of cosplay, games and anime.
Name: Ruby (dannychoo.com Nick Name: Nakuru)
Age: 20
Country of residence: Singapore
Years of cosplay: 5 years
Favorite cosplay character: Ranka Lee (Macross Frontier), Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier), Konata (Lucky Star), Shana (Shakugan no Shana) and many many others............. too much to list XD
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://baby-ruby.deviantart.com/
Brief statement:
I love anime~ I love cosplay~~ I am....... OTAKU~~~~
Minna!!!! Dakishimete!!! Ginga no... hatemade!!!!!
Hey Ruby, Need higher-res photos please.
Name: Rox
Country of residence: Malaysia
Years of cosplay: 6+
Favorite cosplay character: Shinobu (Junjou Terrorist), Shimura Shinpachi (Gintama), Kagamine Len (Vocaloid)
Your website/twitter or facebook link:
Brief statement:
Cosplay is still my most favorites hobby~
like to Crossplay~
日本語でどうぞ~ :D
Hey Rox, Please remove watermarks from photos.
  • Name: Lilithy
  • Age: 30
  • Country of residence: Brazil
  • Years of cosplay: 5
  • Favorite cosplay character: Athena (Saint Seiya)
  • Website link: http://www.lilithycosplay.com
  • Brief statement: I'm a brazilian cosplayer and cosmaker. I love this art that makes possible to transform a fantasy into reality.
Name: Sky (Dannychoo.com nick: skypegasus)
Age: forever young XD
Country of residence: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Years of cosplay: 6 years
Favorite cosplay character: Honron (Petshop of Horrors) and Elizabeth (Kuroshitsuji)
Brief statement: Cosplaying = random bouts of temporary insanity = fun time with as-crazy friends = I'm loving it hoyea~!!! <3
* Name: Juliana Rabelo
* Nickname: Hatsumomo
* Age: 22 years
* Country of residence: Brazil
* Years of cosplay: 7 years
* Favorite cosplay character: Lady Oscar, from Rose of Versailles
* Your website/twitter or facebook link: Blog: http://branctorche.blogspot.com Twitter: @Hatsumomo_
* Brief statement: In Omnia Paratus!
Name : Orochi X
Age : 24
Country of residence : Indonesia
Years of cosplay : 7 years ( since 2003 )
Favorite cosplay character : Cain Nightlord ( Trinity Blood ), Kamael ( Lineage II )
Website: Endiru Multiply , Cosplay.Com
Brief statement :
Hi, I’m Orochi X, I love cosplay to express myself, as a gamer I love challenge, and I think to make one single costume 100% done it self is a big challenge for me, every costume got it’s own difficulties and through one costume to another, I gain more experiences that makes my costume making skill getting better for my next costume project…
As for character choosing, I always choose male character to portray, because it much more comparable to my gaming personality and I do feel more comfortable with it…
I really enjoyed cosplay from the making of the costume until how to portray the final result in front of the camera and in cosplay events. This hobby really fun and challenging!
Name: Witchiko
Age: 32
Country of residence: Brazil
Years of cosplay: 3,5 years
Favorite cosplay character: Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.witchiko.com/
Brief statement: I'm a Grapher Designer and plushimaker, I love cosplay's hobby!!!
Name: Molly Winder (chiichick)
Age: 20
Country of residence: United States
Years of cosplay: 8
Favorite cosplay character: Sakura
Your website/twitter or facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/chiichick
Brief statement: I love Japan and I love to cosplay! Sewing is my passion :)
* Name: Jean Yves Sibert (DannyChoo.com: Crimson03 / Blog: Crimotaku)
* Age: 27
* Country of residence: Malaysia
* Years of cosplay: 0 Years
* Favorite cosplay character: Stormtrooper / Otaku Trooper / Crimotaku .. (I have not decided on a name but i know i love armor?)
* Website: http://crimotaku.wordpress.com
* Twitter: crimotaku
* Facebook link:
* Brief statement:
I am a combination of Western Fanboy or Eastern Otaku. Loving everything from Marvel Comics to Japanese Anime. I always wanted to costume/cosplay a stormtrooper, because its a classic character from the 1980s and its known to all those who watch TV/Movies with a passion!
The Tokyo Dancing Trooper became an icon to me, because it symbolizes both Western Science Fiction (Star Wars) and a dash of Otaku-ism (SoS Brigade Armband). I am planning to join the 501st Legion (just like Gordonator) to improve my armor, and join as many conventions i can in Australia.
I wear the armor and travel to places as much as i can to promote otaku culture, seeing smiles and perhaps boosting morale? I love being humorous in and out of the armor =3 I plan to improve my armor as much as i can with gadgets and cosplay gimmicks depending on what kind of convention i end up going to!
* Name:
B. Fernández.
Nickname: Shirak
dannychoo.com nickname: Shirak
* Age: 23
* Country of residence: Spain / UK
* Years of cosplay: 9
* Favorite cosplay character: Griffith (Berserk), Pris (Blade Runner), Anotsu (Blade of Immortal), John Connor (Terminator 2).
* Your website:
Personal site - http://www.shirak-artwork.com
Cosplay - http://www.shirak-artwork.com/shirakcosplay.html
Fanpage on Facebook!: http://www.facebook.com/#/pages/Shirak-Cosplay/165157729722?ref=mf
* Brief statement: I'm a young comic artist and photographer, who does lots of different artworks and has fun making costumes, props and doing some special effect makeup.