Osaka Photos

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sat 2007/07/14 18:53 JST in Japan
On the way back from Kyoto, we decided to stop off at Osaka for a few hours.
Osaka is currently the second most populated city after Tokyo with a population of just over 19 million.
Unknown to some but there are many politicians and movements who advocate relocating Japans capital to Osaka. This is because a huge earthquake thats expected to hit Tokyo would cause great damage to Japans economy. I find this strange as they cant expect everybody to move out of Tokyo.
This is the Cui-daore Ningyo located in Dotonbori. Dont exactly know why this puppet is so famous though.
We only had a few hours in Osaka so spent all our time wandering around the Dotonbori area.
Not much to see apart from shops and more shops.
And restaurants and more restaurants.
Universal Studios Japan is also located in Osaka but didn't have enough time. Still want a go on that Back to the Future ride that everybody goes on about.
Notice the man half dead on the bench. Looks like salary men over in Osaka are also tired.
Some smart kids (little buggers) being caught for riding their bikes in a pedestrian only area.
This is the small river that everybody jumps in when Japan wins a game in the world cup. Not sure if anybody has died celebrating but apparently (?) the whole area is fenced off during world cup time.
I know there is an Otaku Akihabara-esqe area in Osaka but have no idea where it is.
If you like walking and eating then Osaka is the place for you as there are many stalls selling small hot snacks.
But I personally got bored after a while as its not that much different from walking around in Tokyo.
The Glico running man.
Some shopping arcade in the Dotonburi area.