Nico Messe

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Mon 2009/01/12 02:30 JST in Japan
Microsoft teamed up with NicoNico to produce a version of Windows Messenger that plays Nico Nico videos. In December, they made an online CM featuring Hatsune Miku walking around the Microsoft offices in Akasaka that I used to work at.
Microsoft recently announced that the CM will be broadcasted on Kanagawa TV this month.
Apparently its a first that a corporate company is using Miku for CM purposes and the otakublog sphere seems to be most interested in the news via J-Cast.
The photos above and below were taken during my days at Microsoft as a Product Manager for the Windows Live Services. It was back then when we first started to reach out to the otaku market starting with a mascot character for Windows Live Spaces. We got an advertising agency to come in with proposals of a design which was done by Azami Yuko sensei -as soon as I saw the sketches I knew that I found the illustrator who would create Mirai-chan for me.
As for messenger, I use Adium. Before I joined Microsoft I used Miranda - then after joining them I always used the Microsoft Messenger. Me still owe you an article on corporate life in Amazon and Microsoft soon but you can read a little bit of what I got up to there in my profile.