*Kanata is often also referred to as Kanata-chan, where "-chan" is a suffix which expresses that the speaker finds the person endearing.
MoeManga Japanese Learning
Here are some of the keywords you may want to remember for your Japanese studies.
ひとつ上 - someone who is 1 year older. When you break it down, "ひとつ" means "one" and "上" means up/above. Often used when describing the person's age. When referring to someone younger, you would change "上" to "下" .
みっつ上 - someone who is 3 years older.
ひとつ下 - someone who is 1 year younger.
先輩 - a senior or a superior at work or school. When calling someone who is your senpai, you would add "~先輩" at the end of their name. A junior on the other hand is called "後輩" .
かなた先輩 - senior Kanata.
報道部 - the news club. When you break it down, "報道" means "news/press/coverage" and "~部" means "club/department/section.
軽音部 - light music club.
剣道部 - kendou club.
ディレクター - the director.
担当 - the manager.
厳しく - to be strict/severe. The plain adjective is 厳しい .
指導 - to advise/coach/lead/guide.
心優しい一面 - a kind or compassionate side. This is a compound word made up by the following three words:
心 - heart.
優しい - kind/generous.
一面 - side/aspect.
知っている - to know/understand/realize. The plain verb is 知る .
Keywords from previous MoeManga posts are as follows.