MoeManga 003: Lucky Kitty

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Mon 2013/11/11 00:49 JST in MoeManga
Today's MoeManga idea was contributed by Ryan Huff! If you would like your 4koma ideas turned into fully illustrated MoeManga strips then check out this post.

MoeManga Japanese Learning

Here are some of the keywords you may want to remember for your Japanese studies.


かわいい - cute/adorable. The kanji for "かわいい" is "可愛い" and its katakana form is "カワイイ". "かわいい" can be combined with other adjectives like below:
  • カッコかわいい - cool and cute at the same time. "カッコ" is short for "格好いい" which means "cool".
  • キモかわいい - disgusting but cute at the same time. "キモ" is short for "キモい" which means "disgusting".
  • エロかわいい - sexy and cute at the same time. "エロ" is short for "エロい" which means "sexy" or "erotic".

猫 - a Japanese word for "cat". Its katakana form would be "ネコ".


幸せ - happy/lucky/fortunate. Its antonym "unlucky" is written as "不幸せ" or "不幸" .


むにっ - a derivative for "むにゅ" which is an onomatopoeia commonly used when you press something soft or squishy.
Like with "むにゅ", the pronunciation is a quick "moon-ni" and not "mun" as in "munchy".


にゃーん - cat's meow.


無視 - to ignore. "Mushi" is pronounced like "sushi".


ぷいっ - an onomatopoeia commonly used when someone turns their head away and looks in another direction to show disinterest. Its pronunciation is a quick "pooie" but doesn't mean poo ^^;
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