Men must pay for dinner in Japan

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sat 2009/03/28 00:45 JST in Japan
MSN has a summary of a survey taken on what men and women think about men not paying for dinner.
Regarding men who don't pay for dinner, women said:-
-(men) are so low to make me pay!
-thats really small
-Men should take pride in paying
-Good for nothing
-As a woman I would feel sad
-I hate stingy men!
-He probably doesn't like me
-He's probably playing around with me
-If you are not going to pay then don't ask me out!
-Men should only ask women out when they can afford it
What do you think about this? Should men always pay for food, go dutch or take turns?
Related topic but its really embarrassing to see Chinese family members arguing trying to grab the bill from each other at the end of the meal *loudly* - its like:-
"I'll pay"
"No I'll pay!"
"No *I'll* pay!"
"No no no! i'lllllll pay!"
Photo of my lunch some day this week - about 600 yen at Sukiya which is a beef bowl place. Great spot for a date if you are low on cash and want to pay for your partner.
Via Itai News.