Manyo Club

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Fri 2008/04/11 14:21 JST in Japan
Took some time out to relax at a hot spring the other day - didn't have to travel too far as there is a rather nice place in Yokohama called the Manyo Club.
When I say "not too far" I mean a 45 min drive from Tokyo. The last Onsen place we traveled to was Yamagata Zao which is a few hours away from Tokyo by train.
At the entrance to Manyo, one is greeted with a "no dogs, tattoos, persons associated with violent gangs and no drunk folks."
Onsen are public baths filled with a hot spring water. Manyo gets tanks of hot spring water delivered from Atami everyday.
Most folk relax in the baths before relaxing at dinner.
Despite what our grandmas keep telling us, we ate before we bathed. Is this "do not eat before bathing" an oriental thing?
Folks relaxing in the dining hall in their yukata gowns.
Kaisen Tororo Don.
Soba and Tempura for din dins. More of the Manyo food menu here.
This is the key that Manyo issues you with. You wear it around your wrist into the baths. Is not only the key to your locker but is a means for you to buy stuff in on the premises meaning that you don't have to carry around money.
Didnt fancy taking pics of naked men in the baths so grabbed the camera and headed for the roof where they have some Ashiyu - hot spring water for the feet.
And this is what its like on the roof of Manyo. A small river of Ashiyu that circles the roof. The hot spring water with the yellow coats that they issue are enough to keep one warm even though its being cold on the outside.
Is indulging in Ashiyu.
And this is what you look at while indulging in some Ashiyu.
Manyo also do a load of massage courses too which you can see here. I cant stand being massaged and it hurts when somebody tries to massage my shoulders - I hear its a sign of a weak body ToT.
It costs about 2800 yen to get in and then a few hundred yen (I forgets) to use the baths. The 2800 yen lets you stay until 3AM and you can pay an extra 1300 yen to stay over night until 9AM. Those who are after cheap lodging may want to check this place out. Map and address here or get off at Minato Mirai station, grab a cab and say "Manyo Club Onegaishimasu."
Manyo also have a load of relaxation rooms too - batteries ran out (they always do when there is something to snap) but you can see some of the rooms here.
After spending time on the roof, its down to the lounges to use the free internet booths to see how terrible the site looks like in IE.
The barcode strapped to the wrist is scanned by these devices dotted around the building. You then pay for what you used on your way out.
The SOS Dan guarding the car. Does a trip to an Onsen sound like something you would want to do while in Japan?