Lucky Break Manga

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Tue 2011/04/19 20:38 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
Lucky Break - a manga about a girl called Riku Nonokawa . She dropped out of art university after her fathers company went bankrupt. Riku ends up working part time in a bar where she meets an editor who discovered one of Riku's doodles on the back of a drink coaster.
The story is set in a design company where there just happens to be a load of cute girls working.
I'm a sucker for cute 2D girlies and while browsing through the Manga section at a book store the other day, a particular cover caught my eye - bottom right!
The artist and author is Taira Tsukune who illustrates some very cute girlies indeed. This girl is Chieko Funasaka who is in the planning department and a designer herself too.
Me needs a blonde haired mascot.
Fubuki Dei also in the planning department. Nice eyes.
Kamaboko is the plushie bear that speaks to us from time to time.
First few pages are in color and in standard manga format.
Most of the manga however is in 4 koma format which are all strung together to form the story.
Reading manga was an essential (and still is) part of learning Japanese. Picked up a load of my Japanese from Ranma 1/2, Crayon Shinchan and Inuyasha. All these titles had Furigana which made it easy to look up kanji but Lucky Break doesn't have any which may be difficult to read for some.
During my learning Japanese years, I often would read manga on the train. What I would do was to fold the corner of a page where there were words or kanji I didn't know. I would look them up when I got home and would be reading the manga again out n about on the trains. If I understood the words the second time round that I encountered them then I would unfold the corner of the page or leave it to repeat the process.
Looking at cute girlies while studying seems to be a good combination.
What Manga are you currently reading?