La Repubblica XL

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sat 2009/02/07 12:00 JST in Tokyo Stormtrooper
La Repubblica was the first national quality paper in Italy to launch a stand alone glossy supplement aimed at the young generation (aged 20-40) with the spending power and desire to be at the cutting edge of the latest trends in music, design, technology and many more urban culture related subjects.
XL provides its readers every month with a broad and comprehensive coverage of music, art, books, technologies, fashion, comics, reviews, charts, short lists.
XL is not a Men’s magazine, but appeals to the young and those who feel young, with ever changing passions and interests. Above description taken from Media Contact.
Am over the moon to have a 3 page feature in the latest edition of Italy's La Repubblica XL magazine.
The photo featured on the first two pages is gorgeous - taken by comrade and gravure idol Amano Ai. Folks who don't know Ai-chan can see previous pics that I took of her.
After taking pics around Shibuya, we shot the following video.
The article talks about and the stuff that I blog about. Also covers the Stormtrooping shenanigans, otaku subculture, figurines and my background at JAL, Amazon, Microsoft.
Photo taken from the previous Tokyo CGM Night where you can just about see Claytonian, Kevin Cooney, Tkyosam and Glenn.
There will also be an online article at La Repubblica XL online which is read by 1.3 million users daily - will expect the servers to get a battering at the beginning of the week ^^;
And a few readable closeups.
Would also like to thank Frankie who runs an Italian Otaku site - he introduced me to the editor who I invited to the first CGM Night.
Snap of the photo on the contents page.
And a quick flick through some of the other pages.
Games n gadgets...
I took Spanish when I was in secondary school and remember being good at it - but never got the opportunity to use it so forgot everything. I'm currently limited to (in order of proficiently) English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Cantonese. Have Hokkien and Shanghainees listening comprehension but cant really speak. How many languages is you can be speaking?
Wifey and I vowed never to go skiing again after injuring ourselves every time we go. We told a friend and they said that we should take up snowboarding instead - but people also injure themselves snowboarding too no?
A colleague at Amazon snowboarded right into a tree and smashed her legs to bits. Remember her sending x-ray pics of her legs with nails in them. Anybody here had a bad injury skiing or snowboarding? Is either supposed to be more dangerous than the other?
As I was filing the mag away in the "Interviews" folder, I saw previous clippings and thought we might as well take a lookie at just some of the previous publications that I have been featured in.
First up is Metropolis - a magazine for gaijin in Japan. 2005 was the year when I got the armor and started to troop.
All I did back then was just walk around. The videos got on Digg too. Below vid from 2005 with the horrible huge AFX helmet. Another 2005 vid below.
Was featured in the Kaigai (overseas) Otaku corner of the Windows 100 parcento mag.
And a close up for those who read the lingo.
This was from Weekly Ascii - taken at the launch of the dot asia TLD.
A feature in Yahoo Internet Magazine.
Was still at Microsoft at the time where I managed some of the Windows Live services which this article was about.
Was quite happy about this one - Nikkei Sangyo Newspaper.
The article talks about my affiliating strategy.
And a close up for those who read Japanese.
This was from Weekly Spa - I talk about otaku culture and
Close up desu.
Photo closeup. You can see the old design of when it was still running on Nav2.0.
Short article where I talk about monetization in Second Life. I mention how I would personally prefer to monetize on the web rather than within a closed confined space limited to a certain number of users. Any Second Life users here?
Zoom up desu.
An article that I wrote about figure maintenance for Monoqlo magazine.
Giant Robot magazine which was published after my talk in LA a while ago.
Was on a panel with other power bloggers including Briam Lam of Gizmodo.
A few snaps of each page.
Zoom in with me pulling an odd face. Looks like I'm constipated or something.
And Mac fan which was published recently last Nov.
Get along to the Mac fan article to see more in detail.
And in Weekly Ascii again. The cover outlining a feature inside the mag - "famous folks most loved gadget."
One of the pages featuring many Japanese artists, actors n actresses...
...and me ^^;
My most fave gadget was the Xacti - although not that pink one.