Kyoto Photos

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Thu 2007/07/05 20:40 JST in Japan
Have always wanted to visit Kyoto and finally made a point of going.
These pics were taken in April/May-ish where the cherry blossoms are supposed to be in bloom but the blooming came late. I think this was the only tree that was blooming.
These pictures where taken a while ago but never got the chance to sort through all the photos. Always end up taking too many.
As with the photos I took in Hong Kong, I cant remember where these were taken so if you are knowledgeable with these places, feel free to let us know ^^;
Got off at Kyoto station feeling disappointed as down town looked just like any other town.
I was expecting to see an old traditional Kyoto from the very beginning.
After 20 min a bus ride, we arrive in an area where the buildings and roads were more of the traditional form.
Like the strategically placed finger-on-lens?
Kyoto is all about walking around so bring a good pair of walking shoes.
The best time of year to visit Kyoto is during the cherry blossom season (roughly April?) or in Autumn. The cherry blossoms/leaves turning red really add to the nostalgic atmosphere.
Make a wish and write on one of these thingies.
Cant remember what this building is called but I see it getting blown up in Nihon Chinbotsu. That film was not bad actually. Loved the ending bit.
Time for some Tofu lunch.
Something special about this water which is the reason why people are collecting it in bottles.
Love the old buildings. Another strategically placed finger-on-lens ^^;
Dont forget to pick up some traditional Kyoto souvenirs for your relatives.
Lots of slopes in Kyoto to walk up.
You will most probably spend most of your time walking, eating and looking.
Cant remember what this place is called but its near Kyoto station. There are a few hotels around this area too.
Some of the parks are open until late with the trees lit up. I can only imagine what this place would look like in full bloom.
Some traditional cosplay?
Some building made out of gold.
We did spend sometime downtown before coming back to Tokyo. This pic was taken in a shopping arcade selling pickles and other wot not.
The tofu in Kyoto tastes fantastic. While Tofu is popular as a dish (fried, boiled), Tofu milk is not as popular which I found odd.