
POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Wed 2007/08/15 23:41 JST in Figure and Doll events
Next up is the figurines at the Kotobukiya booth. Starting off with the nicest figurine that caught my eye. She was so nice that she burnt my synapses which meant that I forgot her name ^^; She looks very ToHeart though.
Erm, "name that figure."
I guess I need to get better at remembering/writing down the names of figures.
"name that figure."
Clalaclan with a pair of eyes ready to suffocate you.
This is turning out to be like a quiz show ^^;
"Name that figure."
Toheart but I forget her name - on the tip of my toungue.
The lighting at the Kotobukiya booth was absolutely crap. All the lights were shining down from behind the figures.
Haruhi fans can now drink her.
DOA girl - forget her name.
Up n coming Shunya figure.
And here is the illustration. Love the eyes on his girls - the upper pair of eyes.
The towel looks like a prawn cracker that you get at a Chinese restaurant.