Japanese Supermarkets

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sun 2007/07/29 17:21 JST in Japan
Japanese supermarkets are becoming rather efficient of late...
All the price labels in this supermarket appear on these LCD devices. After interrogating a shop assistant, I learn that all price displays in the supermarket can be changed remotely from a central location. The price displays are even solar powered so they don't need to be touched once set. Not only does this save time in getting a human to write out a new price label and replace it manually, if the store needs to add 5% on top of all items, it can be done in an instant.
I first thought that these price displays where used for the more expensive items but they are used for everything including the cheapest of items.
The supermarkets in Japan are pretty decent. Good selection and clean. The checkout assistants are incredibly polite who welcome you with a bow and bid you goodbye with another bow.
The only complaint I may have is that the portions are tiny.