Japanese Product Packaging

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Tue 2010/06/01 13:42 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
When I get a spare moment, I've been trying to get rid of as much junk as possible. This helps remove distractions which enables me to focus on the big things in life (destination 3) rather than spending time on the small things. By getting rid of stuff we don't want, we can easily find the stuff that we do want.
Imagine a drawer with 100 different things in it that you hardly use but mingled inside is just a couple of items that you do use.
If you had to rummage around the drawer to look for a couple of items then you will use up much more time than looking in the draw which only had a handful of items. Letting go of nice-to-have stuff is tough but the sacrifice is small compared to the freedom that you will gain in terms of time. While we can pay for convenience, we cant pay for jars of time - not yet anyway.
Anyways....Here are some boxes which I've kept for a while which are going out with the recyclables on cardboard day. Some of the boxed figures go to staff ^^;
As I mentioned before, I'm going into product manufacturing and I want to hear your take on packaging. I personally dislike fluffy packaging - the worst culprit is Apple - how much are we paying for those glossy boxes? They sure are well made and makes me wonder how much extra they are making us pay just for packaging ^^;
I'm not too keen on figure packaging either. Opening a new Gundam Fix Figuration could take up to 15 mins! Loads of wiring, tape and plastics.
I want to have products where the packaging can be easily recycled or disposed of - for example the cardboard disintegrating with water or something.
For figures or dolls, I would be interested in looking into some sort of transparent airbag which protects the item in transit but can also be easily flattened upon opening.
Do you keep packaging and if so why? Is it because you may want to sell the item after or because you may need it for when you move house? Or is it because the packaging is cool?
If you throw packaging away, is it because you got no space at home or because you have no intention of selling your goods or?
What recommendations would you have for me when developing packaging for my products? Products which I'm researching to develop include 1/3 scale dolls, small nendoroid puchi sized figures and leather wearable accessories (for humans).