Japan Post

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Wed 2007/06/06 17:59 JST in Japan
I know that theres many of you who have goals of living in Japan one day. Well when you first come over, you can bet that you will never have to feel lonely what with Tenga and Candy Girl rentals available freely.
Another thing that will prevent you from ever feeling lonely is the amount of stuff that you get through your postbox...
So whats all this then? These are leaflets (called Chirashi(チラシ)) advertising just about anything from pet grooming, offers to purchase land - and of course Code Geass Pizza Hut.
Have been receiving crap like this in the postbox for the 9 years that I have been here. Its actually a major problem for most citizens. Didnt think there was anything I could do about it until I got really miffed one day after realizing how much of my life I was wasting sorting through this crap. But I done something (without involving deaths) that has put a stop to all of this...
Done a search to find that people stuck up signs on their postbox saying "Please dont put in any chirashi" (チラシを入れないでください) and the feedback was that it didnt work.
I then read that adding a "24 hour video surveillance"(監視カメラ作動中) reduces the amount a little.
I took a step further and added a "Pictures of people who stick in chirashi will have their face-photo uploaded to the internet."(投函した者の顔写真をネットにアップします)
The result was that the 10-20 chirashi per day was reduced to *zero* chirashi! I'm pretty happy about this as you can imagine ^^;
There is another type of chirashi known as Pink Chirashi which is basically call girl leaflets. I think I got a few in the past but not many - you can see them stuck in phone booths all over Tokyo too.
I saw a picture on some Korea blog (cant remember where) of chirashi being stuck to the bloggers door! Dont know if thats a common thing over there though.