Japan Influenza

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Thu 2009/05/21 04:35 JST in Japan
Snap taken in my local shopping arcade of a pharmacy with the notice "all surgical masks sold out."
As there are no surgical masks in the pharmacies, folks are having to resort to buying them on Yahoo Auction Japan. Asahi reports on how a box of 64 masks started at 1980 yen and ended up being sold for 17000 yen!
Many people are starting to panic as Swine Flu reaches Tokyo - so much that the prime minister Taro Aso has called upon citizens to remain calm and if they break out in a fever to get it treated immediately.
Even children are being made to wear surgical masks.
Whats the situation like where you are living - no change from last time or are people panicking more?
As for me - no change but trying to make sure I'm in good health by getting as much rest as possible despite being snowed under in meetings and mails ToT
Via JapanProbe.