How to Draw Anime

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Wed 2009/12/02 10:18 JST in Anime
Illustrator Kurot is in town and she stopped by the office last week. While she was here, I got her to do an illustration of Mirai-chan - most impressed that she not only managed to draw this in about 8 minutes with a marker pen - but also managed to do it under interrogation!
Also filmed her while she drew this which you can watch below.
Kurot is a shy lady ^^;
She hails from Vancouver and is in town for work and will also be at the Comiket later this month selling copies of her latest Doujin.
Went out for the evening with wifey and Kurot to have some Yakiniku. Om nom nom as they say on the Internets. Does anybody know the origins of "om nom nom" ?
A sneek peek at what Kurot is working on for me ^o^
Pantsu version for now and fully clothed soon.
And for those who forgot - Kurot is the one who done this for me. Very cute Mirai-chan with tears in her eyes. Kurot told me the reason for the tears - can you guess what it is? ^^;
And how about my illustrations? Done this many moons ago ^^;
Drew this from looking at photos that I took from trips to Tokyo. Has a combination of Shinjuku and Akihabara. The boy is me and girl is Nishida Hikaru - the girl I was in lurve with ^^; You can read about how I chased after her on roller blades with a bunch of flowers in this article ^^;
More of my pencil work from aaaages ago ^^; you can kinda see some more of my illustrations on the wall in the photos in the early years article.
If you do any illustrations, feel free to share your deviants, pixiv or url to your work in the comments.