Gundam Galore

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sun 2006/10/22 07:00 JST in Gundam
I usually try to write a wee bit about each photo every time I upload gallery pics but if I did that today then you would have to wait an eternity because thats how long it would probably take me to write up this second installment of the Plamo Radicon show as there are 85 pics for you to feast yer mince pies on ;-)
Coming after this will be Part 3: Armored Core, Part 4: Planes, Part 5: SD Gundam, Part 6:Figurines, Part 8:Guns, Part 9:Bits n bobs but not necessarily in that order.
GM Sniper looks really nice even though its a HG.
MG Freedom and Strike MG were probably the center pieces of the booth even though we all knew about em already.
Stargazer was on display looking not that hot at all.
Mobile Suit In Action Sazaby looks surprisingly good but not as good as the Special Finish HCM Pro Sazaby - Im kicking myself for getting the previous one recently. Urgh.
Bandai had a Zak head diorama which was pretty nice. I think there is a scalled down version of Zak's head coming out as a model soon though.
The small retro Gundam kits were sooo cool - would you buy?
BTW, was going to wait until I wrote up the post (my wife took loadsa pics during rehearsals) to let you know that I made a live TV appearance live on Tokyo MX yesterday. But it looks like Roy spilt za beans ^^; Will let you know the nitty gritty details next week.