GSC and MAX party

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sat 2008/09/13 07:50 JST in Good Smile Company
A party was held for the staff of GSC (Good Smile Company), Max Factory and other related folks from the figure/game/anime and IT industry. "IT industry" = Hector and I ^^;
The summer season is the most busiest for figure makers what with all the events. GSC participated at Wonder Festival, Bushi Road Cardfes, Comiket 74, Super GT Series 6 and Chara Hobby.
The food at the party was most scrumptious. While I do try to get out and mingle as much as possible, its been increasingly difficult to do so with the current schedule. Next week got another dinner with some GSC new members and on the 30th got the Japan Blogger Dinner - let me know if you can make it.
How often do you get out to mingle?
Mikatan in the back and you can see her photos of the party at her burogu.
All the sculptors who made your fave GSC/Max figures were there too. They need more sculptors so if you fancy working for them (can sculpt and live in Japan) then let us know!
Cant remember the last time I played Bingo so it was a pleasant surprise - although I knew at the beginning that I wasn't going to win anything as my fate has decided that I shall not win but instead have to earn or work for it ^^;
Lovely lady reading out the numbers. I think she was a Seiyuu.
Among the prizes were money, tickets for expense paid trips, iPods, huge stacks of Gunpla etc. There were also booby prizes like tooth brushes and stress balls ^^;
This lady got a yummy Penguin Musume DVD box set.
Hector won a diet machine type thing ^^;
Working with the Good Smile team has been great. I feel that they are much different from many typical Japanese companies. For example, Some companies who I work with take forever to decide something because nobody is given responsibility. The head of X needs to ask his boss, that boss has to ask her boss etc etc.
GSC are also great at embracing change. Many Japanese companies establish processes which is taught to new staff throughout time. Staff don't think to question the process even though there could be a better way of doing it.
While embracing change at the beginning can be time consuming to introduce new processes, the time saved/efficiency gained in the long run is worth it.
During the bingo session, multiple people would strike bingo and when that happens its time for Junken which is "Paper Scissors Stone." Is there a shorter English word than "Paper Scissors Stone"? @.@
"Gu" is "Stone".
"Chokki" is "Scissors".
"Pa" is "Paper.
When you draw its called "Aiko." Junken is still popular in Japan even among adults. I use Junken to decide who gets something but I always suggest Reverse Junken where the looser wins ^^;
A close up of that Penguin Musume Box Set. Want!
At the end, we all start to play Junken for cash prizes ^^;
The boss of Max Factory - Max Watanabe makes a speech.
Then Aki - boss of Good Smile makes a speech. Wow. I wish I could share what is being planned ^^
Any announcements will be made at the Good Smile English site at Danny's Corner.
Mu!? Speaking of Danny's Corner, what is this I spy with my little mince pies?
Nu?! Lovely pair of thighs is causing heavy loss of body fluids (blood/saliva). see more pics of what this is in today's post at Danny's Corner over at the Good Smile English site.
Danny's corner will continue to be the place where you can see all the Good Smile manufactured/distributed figures before they are released.
Just a quick question about the format of that post - would you like to see images that big in articles at or are they too big?
I'm concerned that many are still on slow connections - a page of 40 images at that size may take ages to load for some folks.