Google Buzz

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Fri 2010/02/12 14:23 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
The easiest way to describe Google Buzz is by calling it a Facebook. The new service has been getting a load of bollocking from social media users but I see much potential in the service.
The short video below will help you understand more about the service which allows you to share images, videos, links and content from your other social networks.
Here I'm playing around with the mobile version to keep connected with readers and personal comrades. Makes it so much more easier to communicate with you.
This is my Google Profile page showing my Buzz items - some which I posted and some automatically read in from my YouTube and Flickr accoount.
Feel free to keep up with my shenanigans my following my account below.
One of the great things about Google Buzz is that its integrated right into Gmail which lowers the hurdle enabling folks to connect with you much easier.
Your activities automatically appear in your followers inbox. If there is too much noise, you can set a filter to skip the inbox for these notifications by doing a "has words=label:buzz."
Social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter and so on are great to help build your online identity and connect with others easily which leads to many doors of opportunity. Will be using Google Buzz a lot from now on me thinks and recommend bloggers to also consider using it as a tool to easily connect with readers.
And below are the main social networks where we can stay connected with each other - feel free to add or follow.
  • Google Buzz
  • Twitter
  • YouTube - my Tokyo Dance Trooper videos go here too.
  • FaceBook
  • Linkedin - my Linked in account.
  • Flickr - I upload photos to my Flickr account nearly every day.
  • Mixi - the Japanese Social Networking Service.
  • PlayStation 3 ID = "dannychoodotcom" - watch me loose in any online battle ^^;
You can also keep yourself in the loop with my updates with the RSS Feed or by subscribing to updates by email.
Have you played with Google Buzz yet? What do you think about it?