Future of dannychoo.com

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Thu 2009/07/02 06:56 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
Since the year 2000, there have been many changes to dannychoo.com. If you have a look at the article History of dannychoo.com that I wrote back in the beginning of 2008, you will see from the screenshots just how much progress there has been.
DC started off as a place for me to learn and experiment with web technologies. It then evolved into a blog and then a community and somewhere in between unexpectedly became not only a modest sauce of income, but a sauce of media attention with features on CNN, BBC, G4TV.
Another thing I've been proud of is the community we have here. Many of us have made many comrades through the community and the crime rate is relatively low. Precrime has been a factor in stemming trollage and keeping the community relatively clean of toraburu - although dorama, rantingu and trollage continue outside of DC.
The DNS on Figure.fm has been switched and will be launching a competition to celebrate very soon. If you have not gotten used to the features of figure.fm, jump in now as you will need to know how to get about when the competition is launched to win a load of monies.
While Mirai Gaia has a few bugs here n there, its stable enough to launch more communities. The first thing is to relaunch Otaku.fm on Mirai Gaia and migrate dannychoo.com which is a huge task - getting rid of 9 years of code!
Have a look at the crummy diagram. You can see that otaku.fm has the usual partner feeds on the right. It will also have your stuff - the stuff that you have been uploading here up until now. I'm planning of moving all your stuff over to otaku.fm which I plan to make into a rich community of all things otaku provided in the feeds and your direct uploads.
Your posts will still appear on the top of dannychoo.com to drive traffic to your posts on otaku.fm.
In the diagram, you can also see figure.fm - those posts will also appear on the top page of dannychoo.com.
I'm also planning on deprecating Puchi Blurbs which will be replaced by Twitter. Having your blurbs on Twitter means that you will be able to share what you are doing with folks outside DC including on your FaceBook too.
These are the plans so far but posted this because I wanted your feedback on what you wanted. Many have said that they prefer dannychoo.com to feature only stuff that I post. Because I want to share your stuff with others, I want to continue to feature your stuff on DC but in a different form - being that your items are read into DC via a feed.
There is one thing to bear in mind - your figure.fm, otaku.fm and dc accounts will not be linked. This is for a few reasons. One reason is cost and another reason is that folks who dont particularly like or read DC can share and mingle in our satellite communities. I noticed for example that there were a load of figure.fm users who didn't read DC at all.
Lemme know what your take on all this is and how you would organize everything.
Change is inevitable and it is evolution. Changes for the better should be constantly happening in order to improve the quality of life.