Eroge Magazines

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sat 2007/08/04 16:57 JST in Eroge
I admit it. I buy eroge mags.
Here you can see BugBug and Pasokon Paradise. I used to get Tech Gian too but it costs about 1000 yen because they include a DVD full of demos which I never use. I usually just get BugBug as its the most informative.
But why does married Danny buy these mags and how come Mrs Choo no mind?
Well you already know that I make a modest amount through online affiliating. What you probably didn't know is that a large percentage of my sales actually come through eroge.
I buy the mags and get release date info for titles which I add to my RDC calendar which in turn populates the global eroge calendar. Many users refer to this calendar as well as the daily updated eroge ranking charts. Many end up buying. So now you know ^^
So what can you do to make money from selling products (not just eroge ^^;)?
For a start, you may want to try Amazon's aStore. You can easily set up a semi personalized store where all items contain your associate tag. This means that if anybody buys from your aStore, you will get commission. Amazon is pretty generous and gives up to 7% of a sale. Once you have set up your aStore, link to it from your blog/site. Here is an example of one of my eroge aStores.
One thing you probably dont want to do is directly ask people to buy from your store like "if you like this site then support me by buying from my store etc." Folks who do this will notice that their income is next to nothing.
What I do on this site is to surface products and direct users to product pages but never urge people to buy.
Unlike an offline shop, people cant physically handle a product so its important to give as much info as you can to help consumers make a decision to buy online. The many photo reviews that I do for example have contributed a lot to sales.
Member Lu-k who runs has got a good example of affiliate execution. Notice at the bottom of his page that he has a list of figures under "Recommended Products." He has taken the time to use attractive images which include photos that he took of his own figures. This execution not only converts better but looks better than practically asking your readers for money.
Get yourself started with Amazon aStore and I will do a follow up detailed post on how you can make money with Amazon associates. you need an Amazon associates account first. The associate program is available in UK, DE, FR, CA, JP and COM. You do not need to live in any of these locations to start. If you want to sell Japanese products then you need to have a Japanese associate account for example.
Ingredients that you need to make money online are:
  • Snip of My affiliate story - read this too on how I started.
  • Sprinkle of Blog Monetization - covers how your page should be designed. Mainly covers Google Adsense
  • Dash of Destinations - encompass your new found affiliate knowledge with focus and passion. If you decide that you want to earn 1000 USD online everyweek then you can do it. You can do it because its you. You can do it because you are passionate about what you do.
Anyway, back to the eroge mags. Whats inside? Well you get cute girls like this.
This is Erika from the up n coming eroge Fortune Aterial.
And you also get cute girls like this doing stuff. Looks like these girls are playing chess.
Most of the content are screen shots from the games. There are usually posters and manga from some of the games too.