Culture Japan Season 1 Digest

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Tue 2011/03/08 23:59 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
Uploaded a 1 hour digest of Culture Japan season 1 but completely forgot about it ^^; Its actually an hour and 11 mins - below for folks who have time.
Folks who don't have much spare time on their hands may want to check out the trailer below - the whole of season 1 in 3 mins ^^;
All related Culture Japan posts are listed below. Still got a bunch that I didn't get round to writing up yet.
In episode 1 we covered the Wonder Festival. All Wonfes photo posts listed up below.
In Episode 1 we also covered Japanese festivals too. You can see the photos we took during this shoot in the Matsuri post.
In Episode 2, we went to Nikko Edo Wonderland to train to become a Ninja. All photos taken on the day in the How to Become a Ninja post.
Voice actress Shiori Mikami in the studio - photos in the Culture Japan EP1 & 2 post.
In Episode 4 we went to film at a Cultural Festival - photos in the Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High School and Japanese High School Photos posts.
Spent a day filming at Akihabara but only managed to upload a few photos so far - available in the Culture Japan Filming 2010/09/15 post.
In Episode 6 we covered the worlds largest (only?!) Itasha event - the Ita G Festa. Photos from the event listed below.
We also took a look at how Itasha are made - covered in the Mirai Itasha post.
In Episode 6 we also took a look at underground bicycle parking facilities. Have always wanted to cover this since I first saw them a few years ago.
Due to popular demand, we re-ran footage taken at Fujisawa high school with some extras. Photos in the posts below.
Fujisawa also had K-ON music activities too - if you seen the anime then watching it in 3D will be an interesting watch.
In Episode 8 we covered the Japanese art of archery - Kyudo related posts listed up below.
In Episode 8 we went to the offices of Sega Sammy to cover Pachinko culture. We also took a look at the history of Pachinko too. A few photos from the day in the Amusement Girls post.
As part of the visit to Sega Sammy, we also cover the Twin Angel contents too - I love these two girls!
Dakimakura covers can be used in 101 different situations.
Episode 9 was dedicated to the Anime Festival Asia - related photo posts listed up below.
In Episode 10 we went with Elly Otoguro to do a tour of Shibuya. Photos from the day in the Shibuya Tour post.
In Episode 11 we went to Production IG to see how anime is made. Photos from the day in the posts below.
In Episode 12, we went to the Obitsu factory to see how dolls are made - still owe you photos from the day.
In Episode 12 we also took a look at how plastic food samples are made - a fascinating process! More photos that I owe you ToT
Real food is used to make the moulds!
In Episode 12 we also take a look at Japanese Ryokan Inns.
It was Sabers first time to the hot springs.
Throughout the series we had the AmiAmi Top 10 Ranking.
The final episode of season 1 was the first time we saw Mirai brought to life ^o^
We visited the Good Smile Company offices to see how figures are made - photos in the Good Smile Company Offices post.
We also featured throughout the season some of your content - cosplays, room and event videos.
Miho from vividlaze sings the ending tune of Culture Japan.
SCANDAL reminds us what TV show we are watching ^o^
Season 2 was going to start next month but I don't think I could manage the schedule! Thus we will start this July and will be broadcast on Tokyo MX TV and Animax Asia. Currently working on more broadcast locations around the globe and will keep you updated.
For the next season, I want to have a regular corner to some readers around the world where you feature Japanese Pop Culture in your neck of the woods. Keep you updated on this soon too.
Looks like Animax are doing more promotions of Culture Japan while I'm over there at Chara Hobby C3. See you there if you are coming along! Which reminds me I'd better start to pack ^^;