Comic Fiesta Cosplay

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Mon 2013/01/21 22:33 JST in Anime Events
Just came back from being in Asia for a month and got a load of event coverage to catch up on including Culture Japan Night KL, Culture Japan Night Penang, Culture Japan Night Bangkok, Thailand Game Show and Thailand Toy Expo. Unfortunately I've not been feeling too good - been running non stop since last June and something just broke ><
The doctors put the stop on me with a load of medicine and am trying to stay away from the computer while I mend hence the slow updates - but posting stuff to my Facebook, Instragram and Twitter is something I can do while in bed ^^;
First up we take a look at just some of the cosplay from Comic Fiesta - there was a load more but this is all I managed to get on my camera ><
Firstly I would like to thank all the Mirai Millennium cosplayers who showed their support - it means a lot to me! I want to make it up to all cosplayers worldwide who show their support - just need to think of how ^^
Will be posting more from Comic Fiesta - meanwhile other CF related photo posts listed up below.
While I didnt manage take many cosplay photos, Studio Omoshiroi did capture many of the cosplayers in action - check out the video below.