Bushiroad Office Tour

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Wed 2011/08/17 14:40 JST in Japanese Pop Culture
You've seen a tour of the Bushiroad offices and also seen photos that I've taken during meetings in the A Week in Tokyo series but today is the last you will see of it - well until I visit their new offices anyway ^^
Bushiroad are moving to bigger premises to keep up with their company expansion. Today I got a few wheelings n dealings with the boss and then wander around the office while I try not to get in the way of everybody packing.
First photo - getting off at Higashi Nakano station heading to their offices. Apparently the Chuo line has a high rate of suicide attempts.
Hibiki is in the same building as Bushiroad. They are a radio production and seiyuu management company too.
Vanguard looks like its on its way to become one of the most popular card games in Japan.
Some Vanguard anime action below.
And here is some of the card game in action.
Kuroneko Yamato is the most reliable delivery service in Japan but also generally more expensive than the rest. Another popular delivery service is Sagawa but as you are paying less for the service, they don't go out of their way to deliver on time which reduces their costs.
All delivery companies have a service called Shuka which is great - make a call and they will send somebody over to pick it up from your house - does not matter how little you have to send and they don't charge you extra for this service. I usually call up the post office and they usually send somebody around within a couple of hours.
(very rough translation) "These unclaimed items were found on the 4th floor. Please take the items that you know belongs to you. If you dont want these items anymore then leave it on the 'please take and keep' shelf"
Looks like somebody left an empty figma Nanoha box lying around - anybody want it?
Items on the "Please take and keep" shelf.
The box of plushies says "Looking for foster parents". I took the black cat ^^;
Dakimakura cover also looking for a foster parent.
Some health material up for grabs too.
Any takers?
A load of boys love cards being sorted out.
Young strapping lad to keep you cool on a hot summers day.
Young strapping lady to keep you cool on a Summers day. I took the other Sanya one ^^;
WS Bakemonogatari cards. BTW, if you are looking for Bushiroad TCG players to play with then there are a load at the Bushiroad English site - check the community section on the top page.
Load of stickers for the boxes that they are filling up for the move.
A load of stuff has to be thrown away too but must be sorted out properly into their recycle categories. We've been religiously recycling since we got to Japan. Want to make a cut about recycling in Japan on Culture Japan.
A load of Weiss Schwarz goodies.
Victory Spark goodies. Cute girls everywhere!
Chaos goodies.
More Chaos. The only TCG I can play at the moment is Weiss Schwarz.
Milky Holmes goodies. You saw a load of them in Culture Japan Season 1 and you will see more in Season 2.
Idolmaster Weiss goodies. Which anime series do you prefer?
The Angel Beats girlies.
Idolmaster poster signed by the cast. I took this too ^o^ Who wants it?
Sharo from Milky Holmes graces the poster for the Mitaka tourist association. *starts to get ideas for Mirai-chan*
I'll be filming with one of the Milky Holmes girls this Sunday in Osaka where we will be having a tour of their Akihabara equivalent Nihon Bashi. Come along if you free!
Now you can visit Akihabara everyday with the PSP game Akiba Strip which seems to involve stripping people...
More PSP goodies with Shirokoi. Dont think this one involves stripping though unfortunately.
Load of seiyuu signed shikishi. Which ones do you recognize?
Aimi sings "Tenshi no clover" which is the OP for Astarotte no Omocha!
Off to dins dins and come across two dogs who start to sniff each others bottom. Would be interesting if humans done that.
I'll have some White Tan Tan Noodles.
Just as advertised - kinda ^^;
Some Mabo tofu on the side.
Bushiroad comrades.
"World is Mine" by Bushiroad Big Boss Takaaki Kidani.
Previous photo tours of Japanese offices listed up below.