Announced yesterday on the Anime Expo website - I'll be back at AX 2012. I loved working as a member of AX staff so much last year that I'll be doing more this year as the AX Master of Ceremonies ^o^
All the AX staff I work with are volunteers - everybody works for free but in return they get to participate in an invaluable experience thats just priceless. If you are interested in volunteering then keep an eye on the AX volunteer staffing page.
If you have a good command of Japanese, can work with ambiguity and think you are a dab hand at execution and organization then you may be assigned to look after the Guests Of Honors - but remember that you are doing a job and should not jump up n down asking for autographs, photos or spare change. You will get to grow your network over night and the opportunities are for the taking.
In this post, we look at some of the stuff that went on behind the scenes at AX 2011. Also have a gander at the behind the scenes AX 2010 too to see how fun it is!
Everybody works hard, plays hard and leaves everybody with an unforgettable experience. A recap of what went on last year in the video below.
And I filmed some of the shenanigans myself - footage used in Culture Japan Season 2.