A Day in Tokyo 3

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Fri 2009/04/03 18:35 JST in Japan
Looks like I need to start blogging about cars if I'm to receive a Nissan GTR - SACS (Suddenly Acquired CarS) soon?!
In a previous poll, most of you said that you preferred having a A Week in Tokyo series than a A Day in Tokyo but there is so much going on in life that I need to start doing the A Day in Tokyo more often - so basically you are going to get both ^^
For me, a blog is not just about writing stuff which brings in the punters and generating page views - the important thing is for me to write about what I'm passionate about and interests me. I also want my photo articles to be a log of my life so that I can look back and see what I was doing a year ago for example. My wish is that the content that I write continues to be of use to folks inside and outside of Japan who share my interests - the formula has been working great so far ^^
I am aware that there are users who just like the Japan stuff and users who prefer the figure stuff so consciously make an effort not to have too many of the same genre posted in a row - which is a pattern you may have noticed that I've been keeping for the past year or so. I beleive that this balance has contributed to the growth of the site.
So, we are starting off at 4PM in Ginza - the snazzy district with a load of brand name shops and department stores like Matsuzakaya and Mitsukoshi. On Sundays, the road is closed off to traffic and pedestrianized in whats known as Hokousha Tengoku - Akihabara used to be pedestrianized on a Sunday but alas is no more since the Akihabara stabbing massacre.
I really like Ginza. There is something in the atmosphere - a positive energy that I find difficult to describe. Will be able to muster the words after spending more time there.
Was in Ginza today to have a meeting with some folks at Apple at the Apple store. The main offices are Nishi Shinjuku and they also got some offices above the Ginza store too.
I was contacted by somebody at Apple who came across dannychoo.com from a Google search and has been a reader for a few weeks now. Through learning more about me through my profile page and photo articles, they came to the conclusion that there could be some way for us both to work with each other - their conclusion was correct ^^
Expect to see exciting stuff from Apple x dannychoo.com in the near future.
When I presented at Animax in Singapore last November, I talked about how important it is to have a profile page which lists your abilities and experience - without the existence of such a page, folks would have to guess - folks are not going to guess unless you tell them.
Without that profile page, I would not have got into Amazon either.
If you have a blog/site and want to make something of your career, I urge you to create an online profile which lists your experiences, hobbies, skills and achievements. This will help folks understand you and your goals and will also enable folks with similar interests to relate to you.
After the meeting at Apple, stopped off at the Volks Tenshi no Sumika Dollfie store just opposite Apple.
Was looking for the saddle stand which they didn't have. Wanted a pair of glasses for Aoi but they didn't have any decent ones. Forgot to pick up a new wig for Aoi-chan.
Then came across the Nissan showroom at the Ginza crossing - went into take pics of the gorgeous Nissan GTR.
The GTR in action below.
Up until now I've been offered to take quite a few cars like the GTR for a spin by comrades at NihonCar but didn't proactively take up their offers as I haven't really been that interested in the automobile scene. Seeing the GTR today however has ignited an interest in these mean machines. Would you like to see more reviews of cars?
Interior. Wonder what its like to sit inside.
Rear. Nice shape. Color matches well with armor.
Drivers seat. Asked if I could hop in and the nice showroom lady said yes. Meow!
A single red button for ignition. The CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos always told us how he wanted to have a big red button to push which would launch stores - meaning that stores should be built in a way that configurations are all done automatically with very little input from humans.
I left Amazon with the same mentality which is why we built Mirai Gaia in a way that instances can be launched literally with a big red button.
The cockpit. Load of buttons and knobs to play about with.
The very good looking dials.
A GTR is not complete without Kagami.
More buttons and rocker switches on the steering wheel.
The design around this area however is a bit naff.
Touch screen panel. Carwings?!
Gear stick. I took my driving lessons back in the UK with a manual stick. After driving automatic machines, I don't think I could go back to manual. I find that I can concentrate more on the road when driving an automatic machine. What is you being preferring?
A new Nissan GTR costs between 8610000 yen and 15750000 yen depending on what sort of knobs you want on it.
Secondhand GTR's don't seem to cost much different either.
Still like the Fairlady Z though which will be our next car - in action below. Will be getting a dannychoo.com orange one ^^; A new Fairlady Z costs between 3450000 yen and 4250000 yen. Secondhand about 1800000 yen.
Forgot to request a look under the bonnet.
Then have a quick stroll before heading back to base.
Akihabara is generally for otaku seeking a new 2D wife for the week.
Shibuya is generally for young girls seeking apparel.
Ginza is generally for folks who have that extra bit O cash to spend on brand names and expensive delicacies.
Just noticed how odd the head looks in the bottom left corner of the photo ^^;
The main crossing in Ginza.
Before I forget, I was required to flag all my photos in Flickr as restricted - will talk about why in depth in a separate post. Do let me know if you are seeing errors or wot not at dannychoo.com regarding these photos.
Picking up some cake for the both of us.
Everything looked so good! Ended up spending quite a bit ^^;
Posters at Ginza station.
I love these guides - I can see which carriage I need to get on at this station so that I can get off right in front of an escalator at my destination station.
Looking for the second edition of K-on at my local book store. Will talk about K-on in depth soon - one of the best anime series I've seen in a long time.
You can just make out the ecchi mags (Dengeki Hime, BugBug etc) to the left of the photo - they are usually bound so that you cant read em in the store. Some game mags are bound too. Most of the other stuff are not strung up and free to read.
I've been to a few Kinokuniya outside Japan were *all* the mags are shrink wrapped!
Then its time for dindins at our fave sushi place.
Mmmm. I'll start with this.
Always prefer to take a table at a sushi place as I find it a pain to yell out at the sushi master every time I want a new plate. Folks sitting at a table fill in a form and get handed the sushi all in one go a few mins later.
After dindins its off to look for some stuff that I need to buy. Evengelion gets yet another new pachinko machine.
Lost my previous pocket tape measure - picked up a new one for about 500 yen.
Picked up some wood which I will use to display my Mirai-chan dakimakura on the wall without her sagging - cant have a 17 year old girl sagging now can we?
The messy table a few hours ago.
Looks like I need to start blogging about cars if I'm to receive a Nissan GTR - SACS (Suddenly Acquired CarS) soon?!
In a previous poll, most of you said that you preferred having a A Week in Tokyo series than a A Day in Tokyo but there is so much going on in life that I need to start doing the A Day in Tokyo more often - so basically you are going to get both ^^
For me, a blog is not just about writing stuff which brings in the punters and generating page views - the important thing is for me to write about what I'm passionate about and interests me. I also want my photo articles to be a log of my life so that I can look back and see what I was doing a year ago for example. My wish is that the content that I write continues to be of use to folks inside and outside of Japan who share my interests - the formula has been working great so far ^^
I am aware that there are users who just like the Japan stuff and users who prefer the figure stuff so consciously make an effort not to have too many of the same genre posted in a row - which is a pattern you may have noticed that I've been keeping for the past year or so. I beleive that this balance has contributed to the growth of the site.
So, we are starting off at 4PM in Ginza - the snazzy district with a load of brand name shops and department stores like Matsuzakaya and Mitsukoshi. On Sundays, the road is closed off to traffic and pedestrianized in whats known as Hokousha Tengoku - Akihabara used to be pedestrianized on a Sunday but alas is no more since the Akihabara stabbing massacre.
I really like Ginza. There is something in the atmosphere - a positive energy that I find difficult to describe. Will be able to muster the words after spending more time there.
Was in Ginza today to have a meeting with some folks at Apple at the Apple store. The main offices are Nishi Shinjuku and they also got some offices above the Ginza store too.
I was contacted by somebody at Apple who came across dannychoo.com from a Google search and has been a reader for a few weeks now. Through learning more about me through my profile page and photo articles, they came to the conclusion that there could be some way for us both to work with each other - their conclusion was correct ^^
Expect to see exciting stuff from Apple x dannychoo.com in the near future.
When I presented at Animax in Singapore last November, I talked about how important it is to have a profile page which lists your abilities and experience - without the existence of such a page, folks would have to guess - folks are not going to guess unless you tell them.
Without that profile page, I would not have got into Amazon either.
If you have a blog/site and want to make something of your career, I urge you to create an online profile which lists your experiences, hobbies, skills and achievements. This will help folks understand you and your goals and will also enable folks with similar interests to relate to you.
After the meeting at Apple, stopped off at the Volks Tenshi no Sumika Dollfie store just opposite Apple.
Was looking for the saddle stand which they didn't have. Wanted a pair of glasses for Aoi but they didn't have any decent ones. Forgot to pick up a new wig for Aoi-chan.
Then came across the Nissan showroom at the Ginza crossing - went into take pics of the gorgeous Nissan GTR.
The GTR in action below.
Up until now I've been offered to take quite a few cars like the GTR for a spin by comrades at NihonCar but didn't proactively take up their offers as I haven't really been that interested in the automobile scene. Seeing the GTR today however has ignited an interest in these mean machines. Would you like to see more reviews of cars?
Interior. Wonder what its like to sit inside.
Rear. Nice shape. Color matches well with armor.
Drivers seat. Asked if I could hop in and the nice showroom lady said yes. Meow!
A single red button for ignition. The CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos always told us how he wanted to have a big red button to push which would launch stores - meaning that stores should be built in a way that configurations are all done automatically with very little input from humans.
I left Amazon with the same mentality which is why we built Mirai Gaia in a way that instances can be launched literally with a big red button.
The cockpit. Load of buttons and knobs to play about with.
The very good looking dials.
A GTR is not complete without Kagami.
More buttons and rocker switches on the steering wheel.
The design around this area however is a bit naff.
Touch screen panel. Carwings?!
Gear stick. I took my driving lessons back in the UK with a manual stick. After driving automatic machines, I don't think I could go back to manual. I find that I can concentrate more on the road when driving an automatic machine. What is you being preferring?
A new Nissan GTR costs between 8610000 yen and 15750000 yen depending on what sort of knobs you want on it.
Secondhand GTR's don't seem to cost much different either.
Still like the Fairlady Z though which will be our next car - in action below. Will be getting a dannychoo.com orange one ^^; A new Fairlady Z costs between 3450000 yen and 4250000 yen. Secondhand about 1800000 yen.
Forgot to request a look under the bonnet.
Then have a quick stroll before heading back to base.
Akihabara is generally for otaku seeking a new 2D wife for the week.
Shibuya is generally for young girls seeking apparel.
Ginza is generally for folks who have that extra bit O cash to spend on brand names and expensive delicacies.
Just noticed how odd the head looks in the bottom left corner of the photo ^^;
The main crossing in Ginza.
Before I forget, I was required to flag all my photos in Flickr as restricted - will talk about why in depth in a separate post. Do let me know if you are seeing errors or wot not at dannychoo.com regarding these photos.
Picking up some cake for the both of us.
Everything looked so good! Ended up spending quite a bit ^^;
Posters at Ginza station.
I love these guides - I can see which carriage I need to get on at this station so that I can get off right in front of an escalator at my destination station.
Looking for the second edition of K-on at my local book store. Will talk about K-on in depth soon - one of the best anime series I've seen in a long time.
You can just make out the ecchi mags (Dengeki Hime, BugBug etc) to the left of the photo - they are usually bound so that you cant read em in the store. Some game mags are bound too. Most of the other stuff are not strung up and free to read.
I've been to a few Kinokuniya outside Japan were *all* the mags are shrink wrapped!
Then its time for dindins at our fave sushi place.
Mmmm. I'll start with this.
Always prefer to take a table at a sushi place as I find it a pain to yell out at the sushi master every time I want a new plate. Folks sitting at a table fill in a form and get handed the sushi all in one go a few mins later.
After dindins its off to look for some stuff that I need to buy. Evengelion gets yet another new pachinko machine.
Lost my previous pocket tape measure - picked up a new one for about 500 yen.
Picked up some wood which I will use to display my Mirai-chan dakimakura on the wall without her sagging - cant have a 17 year old girl sagging now can we?
The messy table a few hours ago.