A Day in Tokyo

POSTED BY DANNY CHOO On Sun 2008/02/10 01:07 JST in Japan
This week we have another variation on the A Week in Tokyo theme. Today we look at my typical day in Tokyo.
The day is last Tuesday. 630AM. The morning starts off with going through the Internets, writing up posts, checking mail and reading your comments. The table is always messy in the morning ^^;
Then its down to check then snail mail - last months cheque from Google for my Adsense earnings arrives.
It only makes sense for me to share my learnings on how I make money online and categorized a few articles under Blogging & Affiliate Tips.
I also have set up Featured Feeds EX for folks to make money through Google Adsense ad placements on this site. If you are interested in Featured feeds - follow the instructions in that article and mail me after at and I will activate your account. Your posts also appear on Otaku.fm too which will also drive more traffic to your site.
I want to share as much traffic and revenue that this site generates and will be adding more features/content to the site so that users can make money or learn to make money online.
I wont be wiring money to users directly however - I'd rather teach people to fish so that they can feed themselves for a lifetime rather than give them 1 fish so that they can feed themselves for a day ^^
The Adsense earnings are much less than my Amazon affiliate earnings though - again the Blogging & Affiliate Tips section has info on making money from Amazons Associate program too.
1030AM. Then its off to Roppongi to meet some folks at a record company - a view from their offices - Roppongi Hills in the background.
1PM. Then its more meetings over lunch. Met up with some folks from Tokyo University. One of the students has a pic of Miss Tokyo University on his mobile - am due to be meeting up with her in May for an event at Todai . "Todai" means "Tokyo University" in Japanese.
The restaurant only had these masks to represent the men and womens toilets - I had to think about it for a few seconds before deciding which way to turn ^^;
3PM. Then its off to another location in Roppongi for the shooting of this weeks episode of Dance Shuffle with DJ GOW and Nikk.
Doing quite a bit of filming these days and am thinking that I'll need to get hold of some better equipment.
4PM. Then its meeting up with two new idols - Rika Kotera on the left and Akane Monma on the right.
Both are second year high school students.
Which comes first? Mirai-chans anime, manga, figure or theme song? Find out this year ^^
Grabbing a drink before going to the next location. Tommy Lee is great in the BOSS commercials - especially the Akiba one.
5PM. The next appointment is at Columbia Music. Am working with them on some rather coolsome community stuff at Otorevo.jp.
Being a music company, I occasionally bump into singers in the office - this one is Arisa Tsuji.
8PM. Then its back home for a bit before the next appointment.
Grabbing some sashimi for dinner.
10PM. Then its off by car to Shirokanedai for filming.
10.30PM. Filming location is an Italian restaurant.
Preparing for filming. For some reason there are figures used in the video.
12AM. My first time as director for a video to be released soon - watch this spot to find out more.
Filming finishes at 3.30AM and get home by 4AM.
Next day has meetings starting at 9AM T-T